Web Application for Government Efficiency

The best way forward for this next administration and for the United States of America’s future is complete transparency.

What is the best way to be transparent?

The Freedom of Information Act should be amended to establish a Web application that facilitates complete and total transparency without the requirement of a license or fee(Accept proof of U.S. citizenship) or an abhorrently long wait time associated with the access to the information.

It is well known that 99.9% of Americans— if not 100%— use electronic devices (Phones, Computers, Smart Watches, etc.)

The best way to be transparent with us is to connect with us through those devices. Connecting with us is really simple.

It is as simple as establishing a database of information in the form of a mobile phone app, website, and computer software. These should all be under the same name and have the same purpose.

That purpose is to provide information to the American public without them having to go through some long, arduous, and complex process. Information should be so free that you do not have to wonder if the government is hiding something, because it will be as simple to access as Instagram, TikTok, your alarm clock app, or your bible app.

All information should be available to the public in one place. The outcome of this proposition would decommission all websites created for government agencies, departments, and commissions by third-party companies or the government themselves. The databases used by those websites would incorporate themselves into the database of the application that I am proposing in the most efficient way as to not cause network bloat. The account holders stored in those databases will receive an email asking if they would like to participate. Depending on their answer; a full account deletion and all of their information will be wiped or their account will port over or they will be given the opportunity to create a new account.

The outcome of this proposition would also require all government agencies, departments, and commissions that do not already have a website to immediately write a letter addressed to The White House, Congress, and The Department of Government Efficiency establishing a solid reason backed by empirical proof as to why they did not have a website already and create a plan to establish an informational presence on my proposed application and execute that plan within 30 days of the White House, Congress, and DoGE receiving that letter and plan.

The White House, Congress, or DoGE (Whoever receives it first) will post this letter and plan within the proposed application and the date of posting that letter and plan on the app will be the first day of the 30-day deadline that the government agency, department, or commission has to have an informational presence on the app. The agency, department or commission will subsequently have 90 days to relay all information to DoGE for posting within the application.

There should also be a representative within each government entity that posts information within the application. There should also be a representative within DoGE that audits that information to verify its accuracy.

My proposition is simple:

  1. Establish software usable on all devices.
  • Access is important to transparency.
  1. This software will have a live database of Information to be updated by a representative or team from the Department of Government Efficiency (DoGE) or other Government representative or team.
  • Constant and Consistent updates will be important to transparency.

Note all information should be accessible to U.S. Citizens only.

a. Information contained on the Application:
1- Federal, Regional, State, and Local Agencies, Departments, Commissions, etc. Information (Active/Inactive)
1a. Examples: Department of Justice, Southern Border Regional Commission, Highway Patrol, Police Departments, etc.
1b. Catalogs of all information from such entities(Historical and Current).
2- Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch Information.
2a. Examples(Historical and Current): Executive Orders, Legislation and Laws, Court Cases, etc.
2b. Catalogs of all information from such Federal, Regional, State or Local entities.
3- Financial Information:
3a. Historical and Current Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annual, and Annual Financial Reports from Federal, Regional, State, and local Agencies, Departments, Commissions, etc.
3aa. Examples: Legislative Appropriations, Money in and out, historical and current graphs that show spending and spending trends.
3ab. These reports will be detailed and specific. If American Tax dollars are being spent on something, we want to know.
3ac. It doesn’t matter if it is a paper clip or tank. Money in and out will be available for viewing in these reports within the proposed application.

This is just a small example of information that should be on the application. Information should range anywhere from U.N. Meeting information and Congressional Hearings about National Security to local School board meetings and information about what children are being taught in school and anywhere between.

We should not be watching a Congressional Hearing video where the words “That’s classified” or “That conversation would have to be held in private” is said. It is ridiculous. This is a country founded upon ‘We The People’. The government should not be hiding anything from the public. We have the right to know what our government knows.

Again, this is just a condensed version of what the app will show. This application will be all-encompassing.

Please comment any suggestions.

Application name: We The People
Application description: U.S. Governmental Application used to Facilitate U.S. Citizen’s Access to Government Information. This Application Aims to Bridge the Informational Gap Between us and the Government.

Deadline: July 4th, 2026
This application should be accessible by any U.S. Citizen on or before that day with all historical and current information viewable from ALL AGENCIES, DEPARTMENTS, COMMISSIONS AT EVERY LEVEL, FROM INTERNATIONAL(UN) TO FEDERAL TO LOCAL.

Thank you


I’m undecided in my opinion on this.

Transparency is a good thing but I have concerns that anything put online is open to being hacked. Also, anything visible to the American public is also visible to hostile governments, etc.

I wonder if, in practice, this might turn into a huge pile of (digital) paper pushing for all of the government, bloating them further, while they rig the numbers and facts for national security, controlling their image to the public, and essentially stealing.

It might do more harm than good while giving them something to virtue signal about. I dunno. Hm…

What if this proposal were trimmed back a bit and we could get the government to stop punishing applicants with fees and paperwork?

Then maybe have only one form to request documents, and the single small fee being some minimal amount to cover the cost of mailing the documents out? Like 5$ or less, so no one is kept from documents they need by poverty.

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I agree, that should be the first step.

The ultimate goal is to have the app.

The app would allow all US citizens to participate in the government. Thats why it is important.

Also, you’re right. FOIA requests for Axon body can is expensive. 46 dollars per hour of footage. And they take months to years to process. Which i think is ridiculous.