Veterans to protect our children

We already have a group of well trained veterans to pull from to protect our schools. Instead of regulating guns, why not put a military trained guard at each school. There are tons of unemployed and even homeless veterans who would love to be able to serve again. Create a position that allows them to be a safety net for our children against school shooters.


Oh I LOVE this idea!!! And you are so right!! We dont need police in the schools. There are sooo many veterans that would LOVE to do this! Their entire life is geared towards Serve and Protect. They would love nothing more than to serve and protect our childrens. This is a great idea!!

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Our military is prohibited by the Constitution from protecting citizens from other citizens in our country. The military is strictly for the Defense of our Nation from enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Military police who serve and leave the military are veterans and often they become community police.
I think police are the right people to teach gun safety or keep schools safe.

Amazing idea!!! Veterans are trained in a multitude of scenarios. They have already proven to protect our nation. So why wouldn’t they be the perfect fit for our children.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: