Various Policy Recommendations - Energy & Infrastructure

  1. Accelerate the work toward a future powered by the hidden element unexhelium, which leads to decentralized electric power generation, through the release of all information sequestered by the Federal government on the topic (DARPA and any other Agencies).
  2. Disincentivize hydrogen power generation, since it works through the same centralized controllable logistics as oil and natural gas do.
  3. Continue the use of oil and natural gas until unexhelium is widely adopted, and defund nuclear, solar, and wind power as inefficient or unsafe alternatives to oil and natural gas.
  4. Modernize and refurbish road systems throughout the country, build new roads as needed.

Guiding Principles

  • All people are of one race and have the same innate value and rights; “right” and “left”, “conservative” and “liberal”, are some of the artificial constructs used as tools of division, and they must be discarded for humanity to be free of control.
  • The Federal government only exists to serve, and derives all of its power from, the People, with the States as intermediary institutions.
  • Those who would serve the People must always work for the benefit of the People, always maintaining the People’s ability to apply their God-given discernment on facts which are free of disinformation; disinformation (intentional) must be prosecuted, and misinformation (unintentional) must be countered with true information, to allow the People to make accurate decisions about their future.

Complete list of policy recommendations :

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