Using tax payer money saved by deporting illegal immigrants from our jails and prisons to provide housing for homeless veterans

The Cato Institute estimated that 83,698 illegal immigrants were incarcerated in 2018.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported that 51,074 known or suspected aliens were in DOJ custody at the end of fiscal year 2019. Of those, 94% were unlawfully present in the United States.

Of the 64,124 cases reported to
the Commission in fiscal year
2023, 21,504 involved non-U.S
citizens. Non-U.S. citizens
accounted for 33.7% of all
individuals sentenced in fiscal
year 2023.

It costs U.S. tax payers and average of $2,784,967,252 a year to keep these illegal immigrants in our jails and prison.

Simply deporting these illegal immigrants would save the United States almost $3 Million.

This facet of mass deportation not only sounds reasonable, it’s something that should’ve been implemented a long time ago.

Here’s a thought, there is an estimated 35,574 homeless veterans in America. If you built houses for about $150,000 and moved 2 homeless veterans into each house, it would only cost $2,668,050,000 to house all of our homeless veterans.

Providing that we gave assistance to finding jobs for these veterans we could end homeless for our veterans in just a couple years simply with the money we saved from emptying our prisons and jails of illegal immigrants, and have money left over.

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Excellent idea. Take care of our military folks that have taken care of us. I advocate to create opportunities for these folks to be involved in building the wall. Have the construction companies hire our vets. These are dedicated folks that can be trained quickly into a workforce with endless opportunities. Learn the trades involved to build the wall and provide the logistics pathways. Then take it on the road. Our infrastructure is in sad shape. These men and women could then become leaders for the next phase of rebuilding our roads, bridges and rail lines. We owe them for what they’ve already done and maybe we can help them achieve what they haven’t even thought of yet. Put that money to good use