Universal Basic income- “trickle up” economy - collaborate with Andrew Yang

Andrew Yang spoke about a universal basic income to all Americans of 1,000 a month, just to ease costs of living and support a trickle up economy. The idea is that it would stimulate the economy and people will spend more. Also it gives mothers the option to be stay at home mothers easier. Everyone still works, we all still have jobs, but big tech companies who steal our data and profit from our date should pay us out. Similar to the Alaskan PFD fund from their oil, Americans should be paid for our data they collect and profit from. It would stimulate the economy and provide relief. Every American no matter what class you are in receives 1,000 a month. The founding fathers were in support of this and so was MLK. Andrew Yang used evidence and mathematical reasoning to support this idea. This could help relieve so much for so many Americans.