
The “blob” (Deep State) uses a specific country to fund all their projects and agencies. The past few years it has been Ukraine. US Congress approves “foreign aid” to Ukraine in repeated $Billions. That money gets laundered and funneled back to Congress, to fund black budgets, Biolabs, weapons, the garbage Intel Agencies (transnational Security syndicate), and to pay off / bribe their installed leaders around the world. Trump and Russia tried to end / cut off the Deep State’s money supply by going after Ukraine - this is when we saw the US Congress ramp up money to Ukraine in the Billions it seemed every few weeks. All foreign aid should be stopped for at least a decade until the corruption can be eliminated. Other ideas to stop their money cycle?


This is OK, but there is a more pronounced example of a country that has captured every US politician including Trump and RFK, and this country has been oppressing and mass murdering a whole population of people for decades.

If I had a vote left I would give it to you. I’ll give you the red heart instead. I agree all foreign aid all of it not just say Ukraine but all of it all of it needs to come to an end for at least 10 years and with our government probably 25 years and until our house is 100% cleaned up we have no business giving money away.

BS. Ukraine winning is in the long term interest of the US. If you want another cold war with Russia, then abandon Ukraine. If you wish to surrender the US position in the world, and negatively affect any international influence we may have left, abandon Ukraine.

Appeasers never win anything. Just ask Chamberlain.