Trump economic stimulus

I know there are a ton of really ideas for how to use the savings that DOGE is creating. I would like to suggest that a PART of the savings be used as economic stimulus checks for American citizens. I also suggest that the stimulus checks like the income tax code be progressive. I suggest that the citizens with the lowest incomes be given the largest amount possible given the amount of money being made available. So let’s say 13 million citizens. And 25% are in the lowest income bracket according to the IRS. Let’s say they each get $1000 per person. Then the next tax bracket gets $900 per person. And so on. This means the wealthiest, who frankly don’t need $1000 in pocket change, would get nothing. I think this is doable and recognizes that while the wealthiest have their places of honor, it is the “common man” who makes those places of honor possible. I think even Elon Musk would admit that without his employees, his business enterprises would be impossible.