To run for the senate or the house you must have served in a branch of the military

Only former military members are eligible to run for or hold an office in Congress. If you are not willing to defend the USA, thereby proving your love of country, then you are not eligible to be making decisions for the country.

There are a couple problems with this idea. First, not everyone who would make a good politician is even eligible for military service. In most cases, this would be due to inability to meet military standards (e.g., a disqualifying medical condition). The other is that the military itself has been afflicted with political corruption (e.g., wokeness, as we saw during the Biden regime) as of late. Some who would make good politicians might be avoiding the military because of said corruption.

This way leads to a government run by the military.

I’d rather not have a military-run government, thank you very much.

I guess you are right, I didn’t think about all of that. Thank you.

Isn’t there a constitutional ban on a “test” to hold office? In a sense wouldn’t this qualify as such? Not saying that it is a bad idea, just putting the question out there.

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