This is an idea for voting software. First off, I am not a computer tech or any type of software engineer, so some of this might not work. This is just an idea.
Voting software built using blockchain technology. Once information has been recorded into a block, it cannot be changed, deleted, altered, or manipulated. People can vote from anywhere as long as they have registered. Registration will be done the same way as casino apps. You will need to submit roof of ID along with a face scan and social security number. Logins cannot be password or text messages codes. It has to be something that proves without a doubt that the user on the account is the authorized individual. This software can be used to vote on all local and federal government. Another feature could be to send out bills to all Americans so we can read them and vote ourselves. By doing this it will force congressional leaders to vote exactly as their district has, helping to cut out corruption. If a senator doesn’t vote in favor of the people’s vote, then he or she can be brought up on charges. AI can be incorporated so individuals that don’t understand the language in which bills are written can have the bill converted for easier understanding. As an example, you can tell AI to read or convert the bill so that a 5th grader could understand. Everyone with have a certain time to read and vote on the bill. Each bill should only be focused on the issue stated in the title and not have a bunch of other attached bills unless it pertains to the main bill. The app can be used on at home computers, tablets, and phones. It can be used on tablets at polling stations. If a tablet fails, just load the app onto another tablet. This will have less downtime for faulty machines. Also the app with record each vote in transparency. The public will not see who voted for who but you can see how many votes for who has they are recorded. Backend techs can monitor and make sure everything is running smoothly and there are no security risks or threats.
This app can also be used for live broadcasts from the president, senator’s, representatives, governors, etc. you can set it for national viewing or state by state. It can be used to campaign. No more super packs or corrupt deals for candidate to campaign with. Speak directly to every American right from the comfort of your home or wherever.
Now all of this is an idea I have, a theory at the moment. If some tech people could comment and let me know if any of this is possible that would be great. If it is possible, I’d love to build a team to start working on it.