Term limit on laws

All laws passed have a default expiration of 20 years.

  • 20 years allows for time to see its benefits or fallout from unintended consequences
  • Too many laws stay on the books and many times contradict previous or new laws.
  • Technology and resources change with time, therefore, regulations must change as well.
  • Laws passed create agencies to regulate and enforce said law. An expirations allows for archaic or malicious agencies to also expire.
  • One year prior to expiration of law allows for review to extend the law for another 10 years. Vote must be roll call and public.

this has already been introduced. search on “sunset”

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Please refer to the policy: The Periodic Review and Renewal Act

This author better defined this idea. Do not dilute the vote by voting for my policy. Vote for The Periodic Review and Renewal Act

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Appreciate the support! :saluting_face:

Looks great Vegabrand. Should we join our two proposals? Have a look at mine:

Let me know what needs to be changed, added or removed? thx