Focus in math classes some each year the importance of personal finance and budgeting. Start young. A penny saved is a penny earned approach. In middle school focus on teaching children how to budget and plan ahead for emergencies. In High School teach the importance of good credit scores and how it effects daily life, investing, goals etc. These are skills everyone needs and not always taught at home. Algebra is taught starting around 8th grade. This is great for the college pathway. Everyone is thrown into the real world.
I wholeheartedly agree. My oldest son had a civics class in 7th grade, 2005, in which each student was assigned a job, salary amount and family situation. From that reference point they had to research and budget a lifestyle within their assigned means, housing, clothing, food, transportation and even had to write checks to cover the expenses each month. It was an invaluable lesson. Sadly the curriculum was removed the next year. These life skills need to return to the classroom.
Completely agree with this- and with that personal finance, teach TAXES! how to file, what write offs are common for small business, how to safely navigate business ownership.
Can we teach what is needed to survive in the word? Maybe open more trade schools for those that want or need to learn a trade. Plumbers are hard to come by these days but there are plenty of Instagram influencers.