Tax Non-Profits

Tax all non-profits, including Churches, a flat 10% tax. Some of these institutions are huge money making entities and yet they use government services…. Post offices, roads, the electric grid, etc. etc. They should be paying into the system. This would help build some revenue, but make it a simple flat tax and still give people the tax write off for contributing.

While I agree that there are changes that could be made to rules around Non-Profits, I think that rather than taxing them, it would be better to have stronger restrictions on what is required to qualify as a non-profit.

If I may present as an alternative option: Nonprofit Reform

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I disagree, but I am almost certain there are corrupt non-profits out there using it as a loophole. I’d agree with MKSJ’s suggestion.

Specifically for churches, this is just a building used for an organization of people of the same faith. There are certainly corrupt mega churches out there that are thieves, but a policy like this would only dent those and make it much more difficult for the many many local and remote churches out there to congregate in a communal building. All for what? So the government can have a piece of their donations? The government shouldn’t have a right to any of that money anyway.