As women gained rights in America our family structure started to fail. Women’s rights should not be at the cost of our children, our future. The right should be there if we need it, want it. It should not have created an economy where both parents now have to work. Solution could be that main work hours correlate to school hours. So when the children get out they have the ability for at least one parent to be home when they get home. This would exclude the summer break. During the summer parents have the ability to work remote, afford childcare, and or camps. Just to have the freedom to say I want my child to be raised by their parents and not the school system or child care system. For the children to see a solid foundation. The Mom does not have to be the one home it could be the Dad. It could be both if the hours match up to school ( minus summer.) There is always a way to get something to work and to get the power back to be able to freely raise our children. There are a lot of people out there struggling to take care of their children and work. The mental load it takes to work full time, and be a full time parent living pay check to pay check is mentally exhausting. It could lower our drug addiction problem, and our mental health problem. This is not form with the rights words, yet it should get the point across that something has to be done.