The U.S. Government should enforce a law that if any politician or U.S. Government employee or their family member is shown to have violated the Stock Act, that all financial gains from that transaction should be seized and either donated to the people of their constituency without consideration as to background or financial status. If any member or employee of the U.S. Government is found to have violated the act more than 1 time, they are to be relieved of their position regardless of their post.
(I.E. If congressman Y makes $4 Million on an insider trade, that money should be evenly divided amongst every household in that person’s district and they will be sent a check for that amount) if the person does not have a constituency and is in government, like the Secretary of Energy (just a random job title I chose) then the money should be confiscated and put into a fund that will go to US Veteran’s and their families for use at their discretion.
The current U.S. Stock Act has no teeth and it does not seem to matter. If I or any normal American did what has been going on in DC, we would be put in Prison. It’s time to hit them where it would make a difference, in their bank accounts.