DOGE and the AGRICULTURE SECRETARY should put a stop to this practice. This is a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money.
This should be near the top of the list…let the market correct itself and get the government out of the way! It has destroyed normal price discovery, warped normal relationships between growers, canneries, distribution outlets, and retail ties. Corporations have become monopolies because of this insane government meddling, while countless family farms turned into barren useless terrian, only to be bought up by food-vaccine moguls like Mr. ex-Microsoft Man.
Cut off the subsidizing immediately and inform the Ag industry that we are reverting back to a market-based economy. Time to sink or swim.
If you do this then Monsanto will take over all farming.
And then the American People can figure out a way to “take over” Monsanto. Let Monsanto move on all farming, I welcome it because it will push them into the light. After everything that the American People have gone through so far, it is not a far stretch of the imagination that the Public will come down on Monsanto like a hammer. The old ways are over. Monsanto wouldn’t dream of doing things that would further expose monopolistic control of the American Food Supply. If anything, I would suspect that they are even now in back room board meetings, trying to figure out ways to give up territory and cover their past actions against an angry mob who is willing to create new laws to go after them. Just my take on it. Time will tell.
This is a bad practice.
Can you explain more about what this means?
Are you also talking about solar farms?
Google “Government Farm Subsidies”. That should get you up to speed. Hope that helps. Thanks.