Stop Bayer’s stranglehold on American Farmers

You know what…that really ain’t a bad idea, DarlaJean! It could pull the rug right out from under their feet. If we can create a Library of Congress or a Smithsonian Institute, then we can certaily build a ‘Library of Seeds’. And perhaps over time, we can also map the seed genomes and store them in a digital library of sorts, free for public access. This would really screw up the GMO industry, knowing that we have successfully recorded and created an “official standard” for a particular non-GMO plant variety – and they couldn’t submit patent requests for every little insignificant molecular arrangement twist or destructive variation to the originally mapped and recorded plant variety. This Library could officially serve as a storehouse for such legal and scientific standards, and we could start “locking down” GMO variation attempts against these genomic varieties. The GMO industry would whither on the vine like a genetically-modified infertile sweet pea. :laughing:

I remember, in college, donating part of my personal computer processing time to help with the mapping of the entire human genome. I downloaded and installed software on my computer such that my system would be remotely accessed at times of non-use, and the processing of data would be performed on my local machine, finally uploading the processed information back to the source I remember the sound of my hard drive spinning up, frantically reading/and writing in the middle of the night, while laying in my dormitory cot It made me feel happy, knowing that I was contributing even in a small way, to that scientifically-historic undertaking. The entire human genome was finally mapped out by tens of thousands of computers set up to remotely process a slice of the human puzzle (just like my computer), and I saved a newspaper article mentioning final completion of “The Human Genome Project.” It feels nice to be able to have left a tiny footprint in the sand while momentarily walking on the shores of Life, doesn’t it?

I bet Americans would again step up to the plate again for this wonderful effort. I would donate more of my computer cycles to assist in the mapping of the “Black Krim Tomato Variety” and the “Mississippi Purple Hull Pea” for starters! The new Seed Library non-GMO mapping project could create a website and allow anyone to go in there, select what they want to help map out, and download the software for remote processing of their favorite plant varieties. Who says Americans can’t rise to the occassion of a nobel and just cause? I love the idea and hope it happens!!! :rosette: :rose: :wilted_flower: :hibiscus: :sunflower: :tulip: :potted_plant: :deciduous_tree: :palm_tree: :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: :four_leaf_clover: :cowboy_hat_face:

UPDATE: The suggested policy proposal in the above-mentioned post has been created. Link below: