Label GMO's- subsidize organic regenerative farming

Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Food Safety and Chemical Regulation


The American public is largely unaware of the extent to which corporate lobbyists in the food and pesticide industries influence government regulations and research. As a result, thousands of chemicals, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and food additives that are either unregulated or under-researched are present in the food we eat daily. The lack of transparency in food safety, combined with the fact that much of the research is funded by the very companies promoting these chemicals, poses a significant health risk, particularly for lower-income populations that cannot afford organic, non-GMO foods.

Key Issues:

1.	Corporate Influence on Food Safety Research:
•	Much of the research that deems chemicals, GMOs, and additives “safe” is funded directly or indirectly by the companies pushing these products. This conflict of interest skews results and undermines public trust in regulatory agencies like the FDA.
•	The FDA’s stance on chemicals in food often does not declare them “safe” but rather fails to deem them explicitly unsafe. This lack of proactive regulation leaves Americans vulnerable to long-term health risks.
2.	Comparison to International Standards:
•	The U.S. allows over 10,000 chemicals in food products, compared to significantly stricter regulations in countries like those in the European Union, which allow only around 400 food chemicals.
•	Major corporations, such as Kellogg’s, sell products in the EU with vastly different, cleaner ingredients than those sold to Americans, despite public outcry. This is evidence of double standards in product safety and consumer health.
3.	Economic Impact on Low-Income Families:
•	The poorer demographics in America are disproportionately affected, as they cannot afford organic or non-GMO alternatives. Without clear labeling and public awareness, the market cannot correct itself, and these families continue to suffer from potentially harmful products.
•	School lunch programs often rely on low-cost, mass-produced food from the same companies pushing GMOs and harmful chemicals. This perpetuates the issue, as public funds are used to support these corporations.
4.	Misleading Labels and Lack of Transparency:
•	Many food products in the U.S. are not clearly labeled with information about GMOs, food dyes, or chemicals. This lack of transparency prevents consumers from making informed choices and contributes to the public’s growing distrust of food safety standards.

Proposed Solutions:

1.	Mandatory Labeling of GMOs and Chemicals:
•	All food products should be required to display clear labels on the front of the packaging that inform consumers whether the product contains GMOs, unregulated food chemicals, and artificial dyes. This transparency will allow the public to make informed choices and could help drive demand for safer, cleaner food.
2.	Independent Research and Regulation:
•	Food safety research should be conducted by independent, publicly funded organizations with no ties to the food and chemical industries. This would reduce the risk of biased research and ensure that safety assessments are conducted in the best interests of public health, not corporate profits.
3.	Reform of the FDA and Other Regulatory Agencies:
•	There must be stricter oversight and reform of regulatory agencies like the FDA to ensure that their decisions are not swayed by corporate lobbyists. Term limits and stricter rules for officials transitioning between government agencies and corporate jobs should be implemented to prevent conflicts of interest.
4.	School Lunch Reform:
•	The federal government should prioritize sourcing clean, non-GMO foods for school lunch programs, ensuring that taxpayer dollars are not funding companies that contribute to the problem. Schools should support local, organic farms where possible, promoting healthier food choices for children.
5.	Public Awareness Campaign:
•	A nationwide public awareness campaign should be launched to educate consumers about the potential risks of GMOs, food dyes, and chemicals in their food. With clear information, people can begin making healthier choices, and the market can begin to shift away from harmful products.


The corruption in food safety research and regulation is not a fringe issue; it affects the daily lives and health of millions of Americans. We cannot allow corporate interests to prioritize profits over public safety. By enacting policies that promote transparency, independent research, and the responsible use of taxpayer dollars, we can begin to address these issues and protect the most vulnerable populations.

This proposal can be shared as part of a campaign to raise awareness and push for policy changes at both the local and national levels. You can also adapt this into a petition or call-to-action to rally support around these issues.

Thank you,
Brandy Miller, CRNP



I support the idea of labeling GMOs and providing subsidies for organic and regenerative farming. This not only gives consumers the transparency they need to make informed choices, but also helps promote sustainable farming practices. To improve the proposal, it could be beneficial to introduce financial incentives specifically for farmers who are transitioning to regenerative farming, especially smaller-scale farms that may face financial barriers. This would make organic and regenerative methods more scalable and ensure a broader impact on the industry.


Yes, exactly what I was thanking. Also instead of big food getting the breaks. Help the current farmers get away from the chemical poisoning our soil, water, and meat and help them with regenerative farming as well. They have ruined their soil with these chemical and are locked into growing GMO seeds now, because the soil is degraded and washing away. We are on the same page :hugs:

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