Get rid of the bloated federal income tax laws and create a National flat tax. Set it up in a tiered system dependent on income. Easy for every person to understand, does a way with loop holes that people complain corporations take advantage of and simplify the process all the way around. Do away with the IRS as a whole which woukd save millions of dollars in bloated beaurocracy. Federal income tax was stated originally to be temporary and was initially to raise revenue for the Civil War. It was doen away with and the. Brought back under the 16’th Amendment. The bloated federal budget full of handouts to every class of individual and the fact that we consistenly enter into never ending wars and also that we send billions of dollars to othwr countries is ridiculous. We the People pay this money and we have absolutely no choice in what is done with it. We The People have been forced into a revenue generating machine for Politicians to hand out the money earned on the backs of the American people to whatever pet project or country they see fit. Enough is enough. Convention of States and Repeal the 16’th Amendment
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