Solution for immigration

Immigration and illegal immigration have been an important subject for quite some time. Funding, job growth, and civilian safety are among the highest concerns.

This program creates direct job growth based on the number of people homeland security and congressional approval determines is necessary to import to the country legally. AND equally important will grow the reach for homeland security.

The idea is to form an organization of volunteer companies that create what’s like a union for legal immigrants that has no tax burden on the citizens of the United States. The program would fund itself. It’s a gamble based on merit by the immigrants and trust given by the employer AND purchaser of the goods and services.

-funding: funding for immigration has been difficult for several reasons including and most importantly citizen taxpayer burden.

-Job growth: it is well known that illegal immigrants come over to the United States and default on work visas, Never getting work visas, and working under the table jobs.

-Civilian safety: Civilian safety is a particular concern because of the imminent Threat statistically that illegals commit more crimes on average then American citizens per populous comparison.

Homeland security growth- homeland security agents will be doing audits, routine checks, background checks, and drug tests for immigrants that come into the country.

—Solution: The solution for this problem can be resolved by combining strict measures that keep the job market, civilian financial stability, and public safety and homeland security growth under control with guidance from business owner volunteers and strict guidelines set by homeland security. The employees would fund their organization through tax burdens and the employer will fund the homeland security through tax burdens.

My proposal is to create an optional program designed like a union that draws in and targets people that want to come here from another country. Annual Federal background checks are a necessary for this to work.

The idea- volunteered companies would have jobs listed for work and would choose residents from another country. The housing, food, and other necessities are all paid for by the employer without government assistance and in turn the employees work would feed the program. This ensures the employer and employees responsibility to maintain a work visa contract and the immigrants incentive to work.

The financial tax would be burdened solely on the employer to maintain a working apprenticeship.

The employer would tax the immigrant in order to provide the baseline assistance needed. Background checks. lab drug tests, Learning English, and getting a GED will be mandatory.

In theory the immigrants would fund the organization by working, the organization would fund homeland security, and the purchaser would fund the companies by buying goods and services.

Doing this would solve the work visa program by creating job growth based on the merit of the work performed while at the same time funding homeland security and creating a incentive to not be illegal and work without being taxed.

This organization would start by building residential apartments, cafeterias, and an educational center that house the immigrants for the work programs. Then once established they would be allowed to expand and build for the public if their program is a success.

8 hour work days, and 4 hour school days, is easily accomplished when the community would be near by.

Once they graduate the 5 year apprenticeship AND 3 year mentorship they will be able to gain citizenship and be allowed to work elsewhere in the country.

This has been a thought of mine for quite some time. I am not a financial expert. If you have any criticism, advice, or comments please leave your opinion below.

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Are you recommending a plan for giving people who are in the country illegally a route to remain in the country they knowingly entered illegally?

No, all illegals should be deported because they were not vetted which makes it difficult now to prove who they really are.

The purpose of the process I stated creates a vetting process with routine check ups.

Anybody we let into this country must come in through a vetting process with or without my immigration solution petition.

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People who enter illegally should never be allowed to stay. I do think that if they give us 3 years military service they should get a waiver. However if they get discharged for any reason, they deport