Immigration enforcement go’s beyond an efective wall and deportation procedures. To have effective U.S. immigration enforcement strategy we must begin enforcement outside the U.S., prior to any nonimmigrant receiving entry documents for entry application.
Our immigration enforcement proces requires, mandatory Trusted Status Reform Policy, design to separate foreigners that can be trusted from those who should not apply or receive a nonimmigrant visa prior to entering the country.
For years, the U.S. federal government has failed to oversee and assess the many applicants’ trusted status in an early stage of the visa application process. This lack of verification has turned into a serious liability for U.S. national security and has developed into a relentless immigration enforcement crisis that has become expensive and difficult to solve.
I propose The T.R.U.M.P. Program (Trust Reform Unifying Migrant Policy Program) is an advanced vetting, trusted status certification
process vehicle to address the following issues:
Ending illegal immigration into the U.S.
Implement a Certified Trusted Status nonimmigrant guest worker program that directly benefits the American people.
Resolve the remaining illegal immigrant population problem in the country in a balanced and fair policy
approach, which does not lead to permanent legal status and which incentivizeses return to country of origin.
All immigrants in the country should pay a monthly amount into a fund, (ie: $100 per immigrant per year) to be used for catastrophic medical and legal representation if they are arrested.
The intention of having a pre nonimmigrant visa vetting process requiring Trusted Status Certification prio to receiving a travel visa, is to separate those nonimmigrants who will obey and fallow U.S. immigration law to include country departure times from those nonimmigrants who will not.
The U.S. already operates Trusted Status programs like SENTRI, GLOBAL ENTRY, NEXUS for application of Entry into the U.S… The only place it lacks a Trusted Status program is in the commencement process for nonimmigrant visa application.
My proposal The T.R.U.M.P Program requires deportation insurance aswell as travel medical insurance of all certified Trusted Status nonimmigrant U.S. visa recipients, prior to entering the country.
Deportation insurance will cover deportation cost to the U.S. Government if any T.R.U.M.P Program participant violates immigration law resulting in exclusion.
Travel medical insurance will cover any unforseen medical complication and emergencies for all T.R.U.M.P Program participants while in the U.S…
Nonimmigrant visitors should not become a financial burden to U.S. taxpayer’s for their indiscretions and or medical attention.
I’d rather pay our people to physically remove them using Letters of Marque. Aside from that the better solution would be revitalization of the Militia of the several states whose duty it is to “execute the law…, suppress insurrection, and repel invasion”.