Social Security Funding/ Taxation

two suggestions for Social Secuity

  1. remove the income limit on SSA collections. Doing so will balance Social Security and provide a safety blanket for seniors.
  2. remove any income from Social Security. Seniors struggle enough as it is.
    make their lives simpler

How about returning all the “borrowed” money that was taken out of SS


I am for raising the FICA cap on Social Security. This could possibly fund more of the program. I wish there was a federal mandate that social security funds could not be touched or borrowed against!


how about just returning all the “borrowed” money that past administrations have taken out

How about removing all the refugees and asylum seekers from SS? there should not be non citizens eligible for SS. How many years (30+?) have we allowed non citizens to be eligible for SS when they have never paid into SS.


@RMANSAG Because the US general fund is in a constant deficit so they would have to borrow to pay it back… and it’s not just past administrations. It is every administration. As a matter of fact any surplus that was ever paid to social security was immediately cashed out to the federal government from the time of FDR. That money has only ever existed on paper.

I would propose that SSI, the benefit for children and adults with disabilities who have never paid into the system be removed for the SSA fund. 74.5 million individuals draw from the SSA fund at the cost of $84 Billion per year. As these individuals never pay into the system these funds should be part of the US general fund and not the SSA program. This could ensure the solvency of SSA. I am 100% for monthly funding for these individuals however those funds should not come from the SSA fund.

I was not allowed to begin work today because I could not present a social security card or birth certificate as they were located in another state, in a file cabinet. I did have my driver’s license with my picture on it to show who I was. Still, no go. Facts.

So, what gives? I was hired and upon learning that I could not produce these FEDERAL GOVERNMENT documents, I was told I could not work. Which means, I could not feed my family. Which means that my pursuit of life, liberty and happiness was violated.

What happened to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? What happened to Article 23 where everyone is guaranteed, under the Constitution, the right to work, to free choice of employment, and favorable conditions of work? This right has been usurped by a thing called the Social Security Act whereby portions of my income, from my own labor, is deferred- me having no access until certain measures, determined, and periodically changed by the government, outside of my own control, are met. While this is happening, I must acknowledge that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT can borrow my deferred and unobtainable income while it lays in wait for me to age and reclaim- if I don’t DIE first. Does the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT pay it back. No. Therefore, there are shortfalls. Meanwhile, when I do want to reclaim my money that was withheld and deferred a lifetime ago, as mandated without recourse, I must pay taxes upon that amount to receive it. It’s a vile, twisted system, a rouse, that GOVERNMENT has willingly, knowingly forced upon us in order to gain access to the wealth of America and use it any way they want. All in the name of providing us with “security”. Who can comfortably live on what little is paid back, at this point? Savage.

Can you see how this is piracy cloaked as a social assistance program. I wouldn’t need assistance if you would let me (no one should ever have to say that to the representatives of a REPUBLIC where sovereignty is supposed to be the law of the land) retain my own money and invest over a lifetime, save over a lifetime- if I so choose- WITHOUT YOUR UNSOLICITED, MANDATORY rules of confiscation. You, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, through this program, believe that you know what is better for me than I do? This is basically a lifetime babysitting program we are forced to adhere to. Shame on you. And, how many Medicare/Social Security recipients are working the doors at Walmart to fill the gap in what they need to live? Yes. Shame on us for continuing this panhandle scheme. There is enough tax money pumped out to the Government from our pockets already to ensure necessary forms of SSI programs could continue. But, those taxes go to the Federal Reserve and leave the country through the institution parading as our “GOVERNEMENT” through this foreign Corporate Crown of England set up as the U.S. Corporation, housed in Washington, D.C. (I know. Just do some research. It’s all there. Promise you.)

Do you get it now? There is a farce being perpetrated upon us. I propose that we END SOCIAL SECURITY and do away with the fallible, mythological Social Security Act allowed by misinterpretation of the Constitution’s “Necessary and Proper” language, the interpretation, by the way, not the intention of the Founding Fathers to be used as such in this manner. AGAIN, the foreign Courts in cahoots with the foreign U.S. Corporation parading as our legitimate government of We the People, have swindled us again- and continue to do so through the Court’s upholding their nefarious schemes. Why not. They are foreign operators as well. Maritime Admiralty Crown Law. Put two and two together and you see how we have been enslaved.

Thank you for bringing up this very important topic! My mom is “on” social security now. She barely makes enough, out of her long life working and contributing, to live on. What injustice. We can do better. :heart: :heart: