Single Issue Bills for Congress

Where do I sign?

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I like this idea a lot. The abstract/summary/outline (if accurate) would help tremendously.

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Big yes to this. Never should have put more than ONE issue in any bill, ever.


I have been talking about this for years…thank you for posting. I do believe every vote that is taken needs to be listed so the constituents can see if their representatives did what was asked of them.


Quiz of Bill Content
If we can have a quiz on the content of the Bill before it is voted on, then we will know if the Bill was clear to the Representative before the vote was taken.

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I agree with most of this, but with a larger page limit.
1 page may not be enough to include needed details. There is a fine line between “too much” and “not enough” detail.

This is great i would also add no midnight decisions that are rushe through in the middle of the night.

The problem with having more then one subject, there always seems to slip in something that they don’t think could pass on it’s own, so I say if it’s unrelated to the main subject of the main bill it should not be part of the bill, that’s to keep from what the Democrats doing like with money for Ukraine, they always slip it into other bills so it gets passed. See the point.


5,000 words max, the constitution is only 4,543 words. if we can set up the whole country based on that any bill can do fine with the same


For Number 6, the sunset clause should include that it grandfathers in all existing acts of congress such that all active legislation must undergo congressional review and be assigned a sunset date. Any legislation not thus reviewed will sunset 10 years after this bill is signed into law.


Brilliant suggestion! All new incremental costs funded by cuts elsewhere— named in that bill.


This is the idea of this topic, stopping thousands of pages in Bills that many of the Senators, or Members of Congress, have never read.

:warning: Look at the difference between “AND and OR”, in just a few carefully crafted places within the Bill. :warning:

-Bret :dizzy::sparkles::star2:


Excellent. This is needed. However not sure about numbers 6 and 7. If the Constitution had sunset clause we would have lost our Country. Also, it is not always possible to be in DC for every vote realistically. We saw this with the recent cramming through of radical Judges. I think those need some tweeking.

Agree with all this.

Americans’ taxpayers are deserving for all the transparency for all the bills that the government’s trying to get passed.

NO more overspending our tax money and seriously needing a “strict” diet on all the budgets. Period.


Amen! I 100% support this.

6 should be in there, that everyone needs to be there to vote, or there vote don’t count, it’s like if you don’t show up at your job, you don’t get recognize, as a part of the team, it should be the same for the members, there place of employment, it at the time, house of representative, the Congress or the Senate, each member must be present, to have the vote counted, no more vote by phone, internet or e mail, how ever they do it. It’s part of there job, it should read in the job description.

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I hear you. No more “Pelosi Protocol”. I agree.

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Add a quorum call requirement before every vote. If at least 2/3 are not present no votes are allowed!

Require recorded votes on any bill that drives any tax dollar expenditure to implement.

Only allow unrecorded votes on bills whose sole purpose is to repeal existing legislation, rules, or policies.

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Right as well if they can’t be there, to debate a bill or cast a vote in person, are they really going to be there when we need them to, I have seen to many videos of ones giving a talk on a bill, yet it looks like the gallery was empty, these people don’t have time to be present for this they don’t have time to do the things we hired them for, they need to be replaced with people who are willing to be present every day, also the ones being replaced, there bank account’s get frozen and investigate, to make sure all there money was obtained legally if not legally then they sacrifice the funds that were obtained illegally.

The bill should be read publicly in whole, not partial. If it’s too long to read the whole thing before voting on it, It’s too long.