I hope this one stays at the top - this is extremely important.
Single Issue bills will stop them from slipping other bills in and im all for this!!
I have been saying this for decades. Poison pills and pork are dreadful, and these have ruined our country. All bills must be one page, period. this is my position, and I am exceedingly pleased to be able to say so in a format that might actually be seen by people who are potentially in a position to make it happen.
Please also log all votes of all elected officials on each issue with links to engage voters more and hold all these JUDGES, and politicians accountable to the people.
I totally agree, only Single issue bills. Never bills with pork or any other additive.
I hate the argument that people make when they say a particular bill isn’t passed, that’s the reason a problem hasn’t been solved (the border crisis) but the real reason why the bill wasn’t passed is because the folks writing the bill put so much other crap in the bill that of course it didn’t pass. Single issue bills are the way to go!!
Loophole needs to be closed in the fact that bills are no longer than a single page Times New Roman Font size 12. Single spaced paragraphs.
Brilliant. Not to mention chevron difference now all those unelected can no longer pass a bill or policy not to mention those that have been are all unconstitutional and null and void. Furthermore with bills they always sneak something that we the people would never agree to. We the people need to seize back control. This would be a milestone in the right direction.
Provide advanced notifications to the public on bills to allow us a chance to research the proposed bill and voice our thoughts with our elected officials.
Here is what I have noticed when the bill that Democrats propose have always had other things put into it that gave nothing to do with the main subject of the bill, so with that said my suggestion it one bill at a time, this should be shorter to ready as well make it clear on what is being proposed, no more cramming in other things into one bill, like they have done lots of times trying to get money for Ukraine
I never have understood why so much BS is stuffed into “one” bill. It’s just a way to “sneak in” crap they don’t want “everyone” to know about. It has been turned into a weapon in political races today “He voted for this or that”, and if truth be known, they didn’t vote for what they are being accused of, they voted for “something else” in the bill. That’s just plain, flat out immoral and dishonest.
Right. There needs to be consequences for not adhering to the rules
I agree with this wholeheartedly. We cannot perpetuate “plausible deniability” when it comes to action items hidden from the people.
While I agree on the “single issue” idea, A bill should also be well rounded in its explanation of how it will be implemented and attempt to cover every avenue associated with the main subject. A one page summary could be a requirement. Yet, I am nervous that relegating a bills entirety to a single page could prove troublesome for clarity and transparency about the bills purpose and could be counterproductive if the goal is to prevent confusion.
Bills should be required to be precise and detailed about their singular intent and provide avenues for implementation and enforcement, which may require more than one page and “issue”
Bills, in my opinion, should be relegated to one subject/purpose, and every separate “issue” needs to have a clear and concise reason for how it relates to its intended purpose/subject.
Summary in plain and easy English should be mandated.
This should be #1 policy implemented
Bills should have minimal standards they need to meet to show they are producing they started effect and those that fail this test are immediately automatically decreased and voided plus the person responsible for proposing such bills forfeit their right to propose future bills for 12 months and forfeit their right to vote on any bills for 12 months there by holding them accountable for wasting tax payer time and money
Absolutely love this! Bills should be written in a clear manner where anyone can understand.
This would be absolutely amazing; I can’t think of a single thing that would have more impact or is of more importance than this. I truly think that this would solve so many issues the government has right now(waste, corruption, partisanship, blindly enacting laws that no one bothers to read). I think it would allow bipartisanship to flourish. It would also provide the citizens to more accurately assess their representatives effectiveness and stance on things and determine if they should continue in office or not.
I agree with this bill, more transparency needs to happen.
Agree 100% on this!
In addition, it should be mandatory that any and all votes on legislation be RECORDED that we can all access online at any time, to see whether our elected representatives are acting on our behalf.