Self Deportation By Illegal Aliens

The following was routinely censored on X AFTER Elon Musk purchased Twitter:


If we do not remove the incentive for illegals to come in the first place, we will be right back where we are right now.

So I respectfully submit that we MUST have mass SELF deportations.

To that end:



The ONLY thing owed illegals is emergency medical care in actual emergencies!!!

Mandatory Universal E-Verify for ANY job


for ANY govt benefit, including schools for the children of illegals!!

(Congress should make this law to override SCOTUS ruling. Or, better yet, privatize K-12 so govt funding is no longer involved. It’s not like Publik K-12 is working anyway…)

“Anchor Babies” AND DACA leave with their parents!

When those anchor babies reach eighteen, they can come back with full citizenship rights.

DACA can apply with other adults. NO special treatment or cutting the line!

NO raids!

NO stigma!




Exception: we can fly them home!

AFTER they have ALL GONE HOME, we can reestablish a guest worker program based on the 1960’s Bracero Program. Aliens can apply to participate from their home country.

Priority MUST be given to Bracero Applicants who did NOT previously come to the U.S. illegally.

ANY ADVANTAGE given to illegals only causes MORE illegals. Every penalty levied on illegals discourages future illegals.

This isn’t rocket science.

And it is NOT HATE!
It is enforcing law!!

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