School/Work Week and Hour Reduction

Good morning! I propose we go back to a time where people could LIVE and WORK for their own wellbeing, rather than being a slave to the system. We need to reevaluate what a work week or work day actually needs to be. The same applies to children. Please allow us more time to work on ourselves, our homes, our gardens, and our beautiful children. We have the potential to actually live. Please consider this for the children, as well. There are way too many school hours spent on needless information in sedentary teaching environments. We want excellence, but that means being intentional on the curriculum and applying focus on fundamentals, trades, life skills, and applicable business practices rooted in morals and faith in God. Thank you.


The work day and week is already up to you. If you don’t want to work 40 hours a week get a job that only requires you to work 32 hours. The problem is you don’t want to work less and get paid less. If you work 32 hours you should only get paid for 32 hours not 40 hours. As far as the kids go, school is not long enough, they sow us every day they are not learning enough. Parents need to emphasis more school and not less. You sound like someone who just wants to be spoiled and babied. You sound like a liberal.


Thanks for the feedback. You sound like you had about a solid second of critical thinking before posting. I’m a veteran and own a manufacturing business in which I work close to 16 hours a day. While you believe I was crying like a spoiled baby, I was actually thinking about the betterment of humanity and how wasteful much of my kids learning is. The focus is not excellence. We could be teaching the future much more pertinent information in much less time. The same applies to business. Get out of the conditioned mindset that you are made to work endless hours per day and realize your God given life is being taken from you. What changes if work weeks are 30 hours per week and you have more time to enjoy this life?


You working as many hours a day as you do is your choice and no one else. If you don’t like what your kids are leaning put them in a different school or home school them, again your choice. The biggest issue is everything you say comes down to your choice, you make the choices you live bye. If I don’t want to work 40 hours a week I get a job for less time, but that is my choice. You can have a 30 work week if YOU want to but again that is your choice. So please stop treating like all their issues are someone else fault. I think the biggest issue here is you want to work 30 hours and week but get paid for 40 hours, that is where the spoiled comes in. So please stop and think about what you are saying and ask yourself the question, do I have a choice here? if you do, make another choice.


I don’t have an issue with my time, JH. I was speaking on a national level because I have eyes to see that there’s a better way. People want to enjoy family time, grow gardens, and have more time for living. It’ okay if you disagree—work your heart out. Let your kids go to school until they die. I propose a new standard unapologetically! We give 110% to work and it’s long passed time to think smarter about our precious personal time. You lack intuitive thinking, but I think you’ll get there. In the meantime, good luck selling more work and more school to the tired, overworked middle class. :grimacing:



LOL, I retired at the age of 60 and I never ever bitched about the 45 to 50 hours a week I put in. My kids were taught right from wrong and I never had a problem with them, never any school or friend issues. The biggest difference is I never cared about my neighbor or family members and what they did, IT WAS THEIR CHOICE TO DO WHAT THEY WANTED TO DO. I did not care about anyone else activities because I can not control them. The issue you have here is you want to control everyone else and what they do. If my neighbor doesn’t have enough time to relax or garden that is their issue not mine, I do not control anyone else time. I can not control what the WE do, I can only control me. And I have some very good dreams, because I only care about what I have control of. Worrying about what others do will get you no where.


This does not need to be regulated. An employee’s work week is between the employer and the employee. A school’s schedule is up to the school and the coursework they are attempting to teach.


Do you somehow lose choice if the work day ends at 3:00pm instead of 5:00pm?

It’s not regulated now, correct? But, do you have an IDEA of when businesses are open (roughly 9:00am - 5:00pm)? I’m asking the standard be adjusted. Any business owner can do what they want. I know I will. But, the standard should be adjusted for a shorter window. Let’s make America more family focused.

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LOL, you just don’t get the idea of what choice is. Yes I do have the choice if my work day ends at 3 pm o 5 pm or 7 pm or 1 pm. It is my choice not no one else. You are fixed on the idea that it is not your choice, Something tells me you want all the pay for only work a few hours a day, which means you want to be spoiled. Sounds like you are not able to find a man to provide for you and again it is all your choice. Any business owner can do what they want and so can the employees, But please keep spewing, eventually you will understand your female thinking is what is limited you.

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Pick up a bible friend. Your life is worth so more than you think it does. The thing is, I think we have similar ideas—up until your male thinking was much more important than my female thinking. We were always on a level playing field. Males and females compliment each other. One isn’t strong without the other. Cheers!

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If you are choosing you pay and work ethic, then what the heck are you complaining about? So far you have talked about what other should do to make your life better. I do believe you should actually read the bible, because God never talked anything about what others should do but about what you should do, so please read the bible, I confirm you in that idea.

JH, you’re missing the whole point. No one wants to control anything. You know how the standard (currently) is to change the clocks during certain times of the year? Agree or disagree, it’s standard. Does it take away choice? No. Never did, Good Buddy. It’s just a standard. Personally, I think we should do away with it, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. We are talking about adjusting standard business hours from 9:00-5:00pm to something less—to change the standard of businesses needing to be open that long. What does that have to do with choice? Work longer, work shorter…but it’s a standard. YOU made it about choice. Still don’t know why.

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An adult decides their work week based on their life choices and financial wants and needs.

However, instead of reducing academic hours, the new education, with the removal of the board of education, plan should

  1. stop charging parents daycare for kids under kindergarten age.
  2. Extend the school year to 12 months. This would allow the kids a more flexible study timeline; allow kids a place to go in the summer time where curriculum would be more relaxed and parents aren’t struggling to find care and activities for their kids; and teachers are paid a full years salary.
  3. Kids’ learning is continuous and teachers are not wasting the early weeks of the school year reviewing what was learned the prior school year.

Hi, Zina. I don’t want the government to tell me how much to work. Did you read the post?

Is the government charging you daycare?

Your solution is put the kids in more school so you can work more?


Well, what you are not getting is you continue to talk what someone else needs to do to make you life easier. Do you get that, you think someone else should do something to make you work life better. Business need to change their hours. And I am saying I have the choice on the business hours I work by selecting the employment that works for me. Everything you talk about is how SOMEONE ELSE should change the way they do things to make YOUR life better. I choose to understand I can not control what other do< i can only control what I do by making choices that work best for me. Until you understand you can not control others you will always have problems.


I highly support that we embrace a Japanese type of system. They have already proven the system works. More intelligent, more disciplined and ready to get a job from day one!!! Our system has proven to be soft, inefficient, and a drain. Also, Japanese students are REQUIRED to clean thier own schools and cook thier OWN meals !!This would instill confidense and discipline laking in our system.

I think it would be nice, if you offered the time change. I think 7 hours/4 days a week work should be good. One month paid vacation starting first year of working in the place, and moving one week with every year. (at least)

It’s a proven fact that kids learn better if they do not go to school as long as ours do. And if they apply hands on technique to things. They pay attention more so they learn more.
The work week. I would love to agree with. But we have to live and eat. And there isn’t retirement anymore for most people, we work until……bc the price of everything is so high.

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