We know DOGE is looking for quick big savings. Here is one that can be done effectively by Executive Order: Immediate halt of ALL Chemtrails. Three things will come immediately from this Executive Order: 1) Insubordination will be immediately obvious by visual observation of the skies, NO chemtrails - Order being followed, SOME chemtrails - Orders not being followed - insubordination. 2) Savings on jet fuel, operating and maintenance costs, personnel costs associated with these unhealth practices. 3) We will find out whose rice bowl is being messed with by stopping the Chemtrails, who complains the loudest or files lawsuits to get it going again. The overall benefit will be clear skies, less chemical pollution of the atmosphere, improved overall public health from not breathing all the crap they are spraying in the air. And more jet fuel available for beneficial activities. MAHA and MAGA at the same time with taxpayer dollar savings. Win-win!
i believe NASA is at the helm of this program
NOAA is most definitely. Start there, looking for private airline contract sprayers. They get contracts to deliver chemical payloads at predetermined GPS coordinates - no questions asked. They don’t even know what they are releasing - they just get paid to empty the delivered tanks at given coordinates. Each “job” is filed under a specific confidential “research project” to throw off the intended purpose of the chemical payload deliveries. If the projects ever fall under investigation, the evidence has already been created beforehand to give credibility to it being a research project. The purpose of hiding the spraying under “research projects” is to provide cover via “plausible deniability” as to the real purpose of the spraying. Other covers used are “Climate Change” and “Reflecting solar radiation back into space”. These are all covers – the real targets are on on the ground, where to payload disburses and settles. [This is not a complex and confusing conundrum - it is common knowledge that, when one sprays for roaches in one’s kitchen, it is done to cause a prescribed outcome; and it is certainly not done for the benefit of the roaches or the kithen’s climate. The same applies here.]
This is why chemical spray lines often start and stop at the edges of city borders - for payload preservation when outside of the intended ground target area. What is more, these spray lines do not come from plane engines (since they are not contrails, but chemtrails). Chemtrails come from sprayer nozzles mounted beneath the wings and can be turned on and off by the pilot based on GPS coordinates. Some claim that the long trails are from the exhaust of plane turbo fan engines - this is false. Plane engines do not stop and start in midflight. Chemtrail starts/stops originate from the spray nozzles being turned on and off by the pilot, depending on the ground target coordinates, taking wind speed, altittude, payload drift, and expected ground concentrations into effect. The American People are waking up to this stealth poisoning operation and are following the money. USAID+Pentagon would be a logical place to start.
absolutely at one time the canisters were produced my mk ballistics loaded with silver iodine etc…https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/reports/pdfs/2004-0239-3014.pdf there is no such thing as cloud seeding or do they seed the cloud they created??? Potential risk of acute toxicity induced by AgI cloud seeding on soil and freshwater biota - PubMed
DOGE can save even more money by clawing back funds pre-designated for future geoengineering contracts. Link is below…