Investigate Chemtrails/Contrails and Cloud Seeding Planes for Bacteria and Viruses

Simply put, investigate chemtrails and cloud seeding planes for spreading bacteria and viruses. Conspiracy, deepstate agendas or not, this warrents an investigation. A lot of people seem to be getting sick now-a-days mysteriously, especially in colleges and schools. There seems to be little to no explanation. One thing that is certain, there are always chemtrails. Some with staining rainbow colors that last for a long while. It’a about time an investigation is made and released to the public.


Not new. Do a search for Chemtrails for over 50+ previous submissions.


It’s contrails and they are not spraying anything. It happens from compression of air. Air compresses, water does not. The pressure from the wings squeezes the water out of the air. I can believe I have to explain this

The US should still do a deep investigation. Put the conspiracy to rest. Publish all the materials in a public forum.


I need to link my post then.

Sen, that makes two of us – I can’t believe that you are trying to explain it like that either…by your own claims, and since turbo fan jet engines have changed very little structurally since the 1950s, we should be seeing horizon-to-horizon streaks in the Hollywood-filmed skies since the old western days, through the 60s, 70s, 80s…but nope…nothing substantial, as would be expected. It seems as though your claim just failed the ‘smell test’. Anyway, it is understandable to repeat that commonly-voiced misconception because that particular lie is so prevalantly spread today (on purpose). A similar thing happened when everyone walked around saying that the earth was flat (on purpose), until it was proven to be round…and now (after a few decades of low quality public education - on purpose) they are starting with a flat-earth fantasy again. Can you spot the links? Nevertheless, let me help you out with this particular misconception so that everyone knows the undisputed facts about contrails and chemtrails…

Contrails (Condensation Trails) - are visible trails left behind an aircraft that are caused by moist atmospheric air being compressed through the turbo fans of plane engines, creating water/ice particles in its wake. These trail behind the plane for only a very short period of time, before the ice and water vapor once again separates into its smaller particles and dissipates. A contrail will NEVER linger in the air for over a few minutes before evaporating and disappearing again.

Chemtrails (Chemical Trails) - are visible trails that are caused by aerosol injections into the atmosphere, from chemical tanks stored within the body of the aircraft. These are NOT water crystals…they are generally comprised of heavy metals like aluminum and barium dust, silver oxide, and other non-natural compounds uncommon to the atmosphere in any significant quantities. These trails will linger in the upper atmosphere for long duration, gradually dispersing and widening as gravity slowly pulls the sprayed particles toward the earth. They can be seen spanning the entire sky, from horizon to horizon. Water molecules are unable to maintain the more condensed and visible form typically associated with the heavier sprayed molecules, that are able to stay suspended in the skies for hours on end.

Here is a visual of the difference…

Notice how, in contrails, the water crystals from compressed atmospheric moisture create a very small trail that quickly disappears once the sunlit ice melts back into water vapor and dissipates. Also notice the chemical trails that stretch all the way across the sky, and are not dissipating. They are lingering because they are not water vapor – they are other larger molecules of aerosolized solids that don’t evaporate, but instead spread out in the atmospheric currents as they slowly drift toward earth. Just think of it this way: Long Trail = Chemical Spray; Short Trail = Ice Crystals.

A picture is worth a thousand words .” Below is further illustrated explanation of what is occurring in your skies above your cities, keeping in mind that, when one targets a moving object, one must “lead” it by a certain distance. The same is happening here, Chemicals are sprayed at a precise altitude and with a precise and steady atmospheric wind speed, thus allowing for predicted particle drift before eventually blanketing the intended target area (the city)…

I hope this detaled post helps everyone better understand and identify chemtrails (vs. contrails) when next peering skyward. Knowledge is power – glad to help. :face_with_monocle:


End chemtrails, don’t just modify their content.


You are wrong and you WILL be proven wrong in the future when the studies about this come out.

Below youll find a company named weather modification inc. At any given time you cam find a few of their birds up cloud seeding, its public data and avail able on flught radars.
Below that youll find NOAA public record of reported weather modification projects and yeilds


The Dimming is worth the time to watch.

Simply put! Stop the chemtrails and let nature take its course! Quit messing with GOD!

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