RIGHT TO MATERNAL/FETAL HEALTHCARE & EDUCATION to stabilize the abortion issue

This proposal is not in disagreement with President Trump, though, as it does NOT call for abortion bans and continues to not only allow states to set their own gestational limits, but strengthens them.

This proposal is in agreement with his stance against late term elective abortion and post birth medical neglect/infanticide for viable babies, as well as his support for rape exceptions.

I am impressed with your well researched and well written proposal. I saw many things that I agree with, but I also have some concerns.

*I believe there needs to be clear, concise and global language/vocabulary for all parties inregard to misscarrage v abortion for insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc. so that there is no ambuguity period.
*Funding to build and staff centers in areas that are low in care centers.
*Education in public schools about abortion. (Not clear who would be considered entities w/o bias, do they exsist)
*Better description of viability of medical care given to babies born despite abortion. Every baby should receive care for comfort regardless of viability, hospice care should be provided to babies as they may pass in comfort.
*I support abortion in the case of rape or incest only. This is where vocabulary needs to be clear, ectopic pregnancy care are not abortions, care is needed to prevent a mother’s life from ending due to rupture of tube…language must be clear for all parties involved

These are my intial concerns after one read through…I will need to read again for better comprehension and to be clear in understanding.

Educate, do not legislate.

Yes, but the pro-life movement has already outdone themselves making excellent, very intelligent, well-sourced educational materials, articles, factsheets, videos, etc., however the pro-choice movement still beats them on the ballot box because pro-choice movement outfunds them 3 to 1, and has Mainstream Media in their pockets. Pro-abortion propaganda and lies outpaces the pro-lifer’s most valiant efforts. Only a federal platform can change that.

This proposal is a thoughtful approach that prioritizes education and support, addressing critical gaps in the current abortion debate. By emphasizing education about abortion procedures, their outcomes, and the potential physical and psychological impacts on both women and babies post-abortion, it empowers individuals with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions. Comprehensive, non-ideological education can help dispel harmful misinformation and provide clarity on the realities of abortion, fostering greater understanding and compassion. Coupled with robust support systems for pregnant women and parents, this initiative ensures that individuals are equipped with the resources they need to navigate their choices responsibly, ultimately promoting healthier outcomes for families and communities.

As mentioned in an earlier reply, I believe that loose morals have contributed to this firey argument. If the population wants to be loose and screw with abandon then they should be faced with the reality of handling the pregnancy THEMSELVES. The cost, the inconveinency, and the choice of voluntary or judicial sterilization. ( in the case of mulltiple pregnancies). Children are the innocent loosers here. Remove the children from unmarried couples and place with FAMILIES that are solid. No government subsidies. No government involvment. Its choices and consequences, age old premise in action.

10th Amendment of the US Constitution: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This is a states issue, not a federal issue. Take the matter up with your state legislature.

FACTCHECK to the claim that abortion is a “states issue, not a federal issue” and to “take the matter up with your state legislature.”

This is a huge misconception.

The one FACT that BOTH pro-life and pro-choice leaders agree on, is that the idea of federal abortion-related provisions are constitutional, as they are (1) aligned with the 5th, 10th and 14th amendments to protect every “PERSON” (which can be the woman or the unborn child) from being deprived of their “life, liberty or property” without “due process” and allow the federal government to regulate matters of “inter-state commerce” and (2) are consistent with related laws and regulations that have already been either proposed/voted on by Congress (such as Women’s Health Protection Act, Protect Babies Born Alive Act, Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and the Comstock Act), affirmed as constitutional by Trump’s conservative-majority Supreme Court (such as ACA and EMTALA) and/or have already been in effect for years (such as the federal ban on Partial Birth abortions). In the Dobbs decision, the concurring opinion specifically said that abortion related laws were up to “lawmakers” from BOTH “states” AND “Congress” to enact.

The advent of inter-state mail-order pills, shield laws and abortion sanctuary states means that if abortion wasn’t a matter of inter-state commerce before, eligible for federal regulation per the constitution, then it is now. Besides, we have already seen what happens to women and unborn children, when left unprotected by basic, federal safeguards. The lack of an adequate state response to those harms going on, constitutionally necessitates federal intervention.

In fact, here is the Supreme Court Dobbs concurring opinion:

Ashley - the mere fact that your proposal has caused so many diverse comments is both extraordinary and demonstrative of how divisive this issue is.

Personally, I think the concept is brilliant. Obviously you have given this a great deal of thought and have come up with a solution that may not have been on anyone’s radar screen. Excellent work. Perhaps with a little tweaking you can get most people onboard.

A well written piece of legislation that offers providers and patients protection from civil and criminal penalties in those specific situations appears to me to be about the solution to a problem that otherwise will simply not go away. Nice job!

I have sent your policy suggestion to Amaryllis and to DJT as you requested!

Thank you @OttenElias ! And thanks for complimenting my proposal! It was nice to read your DM saying “Wow! Fantastic, beautifully said, amazingly researched, supremely intelligent and wise!” and I appreciate you sharing your enthusiasm about it with the Trump team.

I suggest sterilizing the person getting the abortion and also the person paying for it.

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I commend you Ms. Luna for the depth of your understanding this issue, and my comments are:

All human issues are essentially complicated and being in local politics for 30+ yrs, I’ve concluded that principles are the guiding standards, whereas legislative attempts to encompass every issue falls into bureaucratic morasses that eventually paralyze any action. Life is too complicated to legislate.

On abortion, I hold that life is sacred, and that is the fundamental precept in guiding any action on child birth. However, nothing can be mandated as either black or white given life’s complications, and therefore, laws must allow for extremely mitigating circumstances.

Although Mr. Trump holds that abortions may be considered in cases of incest or rape, still every case can be different and must be examined closely to ensure that life’s sanctity is upheld in every possible way, and common sense should prevail.

Given its complex nature, it is absolutely correct that abortion decisions be delegated to local discretion. Our Founding Fathers wisely understood that social matters are a local concern.

As the New Testament transformed the Old Testament, Love and Charity overrode Jehovah’s stern mandates in the Old Testament.

Thank you, hard disagree. It’s not “complicated.” And leaving the decision to states is what caused these extremes to happen.

I’m sorry I do not agree. There are many forms of contraceptives. I do agree that there should be exceptions… But abortion should never be used as a contraceptive. We need to stop double standards. First if someone is killed during pregnancy everyone is for that Person to be charged with double homicide double standard. Second I think under rape and incest live threatening issues should not be considered under any abortion law but under the rape, incest and life threatening act. To run on its own merit not to be thrown in on an abortion act. I think once we clarify that those are not acts of abortion but survival. Then the states can figure out how they want to deal with the everyday abortions. I am strongly against waiting until the last term last minutes to have an abortion. Today you can know so early there is no reason unless medically needed the child will not be born normal would have medical problems beyond the scope of living one’s best life. Second of its a women choice to abort because she’s not ready then why do we hold men responsible no matter what. It takes 2 to make a baby I understand that women bodies do get effected by caring a baby I also understand we are the only ones capable. But we hold men accountable even if he were to want to opt for an abortion if the women chooses to not have one he is held to paying child support for life. I’m not sure of the right answers but I do believe it needs to be a stop the double standard. And I think that really there should be a federal law that is only for rape incest medical necessity that stands alone not thrown in with the everyday abortion. I feel if we focus on that being passed as an act of self survival act and let it stand alone with a clause that the rape of incest must be reported with charges so people don’t abuse.

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