Medical freedom to me is Not allowing government or insurance companies from getting between me and my Dr. I’ve been 2 years trying to get medication that my insurance company won’t approve. I have private health insurance. The Insurance company says my husbands employer chose a list of medications for the plan we are in and the medication isn’t on the list so they won’t cover it. The manufacturer of the medication has given it to me for free for up to two years to get my insurance company to come around. I only have about six months left. i’ve had a rheumatologist a dermatologist and neurologist A podiatrist A lawyer and a representative from the insurance company all right letters to the board of the insurance company explaining why I have to have this medication and they still are denying it. My husband pays for coverage medical insurance through his work and we’re not getting the coverage. Please help me. Thank you Heather Durbin Ross I have multiple sclerosis psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis
Put doctors back to running the medical clinics and hospitals instead of administrative people who do not have any medical background. Doctors should be running the 3 letter agencies, CDC, FDA. AMA, ect.
Doctors should have incentives to heal people and do not get incentives from the pharmaceutical empires. No doctor should get incentives for the number of vaccines administered.
No child should be immunized at birth. No child should be immunized until the age of 2. No immunity for any drug administered. All drugs have trials and peer reviewed studies.
Incentivize for natural medicines instead of synthetic based. Release the cures for cancers and deadly diseases. Incentivize for healing techniques such as med beds, vibration, ect. Release all cures for cancers and other diseases.
Stop gain of function and stop any trade with countries who persist in biological warfare. Have severe consequences for scientists who are creating diseases the jump from animal to human.
lifetime punishment. These vaccines are dangerous drugs that maim and kill. They are like WW2 poison. Operation paperclip.
I’m a vaccine injured pharmacist and podiatrist. I will gladly provide input. Enough studies show that the hepatitis b vaccine interrupts PERK and IRE6 causing an interruption in the protein unfolding response and cell death “apoptosis”. It appears that in the absence of Vitamin D there is deficiency in TNFr2 causing apoptosis in the brain and thus triggering MS. I will take on anyone who claims vaccines are safe or effective all day long with interpretation of their own CDC and NIH studies! Let me at them. Vaccine injured lives matter. Get these big players out like for profit Offit and the ilk like him.
On #3: Make it illegal for any government agency to financially benefit from new pharmaceutical products regulated or licensed by the government.
Explicitly include all elected officials, including Congress, President and Vice President.
We need RFK in this administration.
It’s not clear where he’ll fit in so I made a policy about it.
Tyson, Bobby can be Minister or Secretary of HHS, appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate without having to create a whole new department. RFK Jr. will get the job done.
My suggestions were for appointees to work with him to get that job done.
I support the ban of all paying lobbyists
I would like to follow you on any of your socials. I agree with you about the dangers, but don’t have the detailed knowledge to provide as evidence when I debate somone (like PERK and IRE6 causing apoptosis.)
Melanie, absolutely, I even have a book that I wrote “vaccines: a public health crisis” that discusses how vaccines cause public health problems. Flu and Covid vaccines cause VAERD. VAERD, vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease was extensively studied in hogs by University of Iowa, DSpace Theres a lot more studies on this. This is just a bit on how PERK is important in ER endoplasmic reticulum PERK is required at the ER-mitochondrial contact sites to convey apoptosis after ROS-based ER stress - PMC When we consider that Humira an anti TNF drug causes MS we start to understand that TNF plays an important role in MS. MS lesions are comprised of TNF on the outer perimeter and foamy macrophages inside. 1987 Poland research. TNFR2 activation may induce anti-inflammatory responses or pro-inflammatory responses as well, depending on the cell types targeted It appears that vitamin D upregulates RNFR2 and is cell protective. I have this in the book. I’m happy to provide it all to you free. It’s free to everyone, was intended to be online modifiable and added to as FDA and NIH identify more and more vaccine injury pathways. I’m on facebook also. Tammy Jean Bowman, New York Mills, NY
[Vaccines A Public Health Crisis.pdf](file:///C:/Users/Owner/Documents/My%20Tam%20Data/Vaccine%20Injury/Vaccines%20A%20Public%20Health%20Crisis.pdf) This is the PDF if it will pull up for you
I don’t believe it’s necessary for someone to have worked in pharmaceutical industry in order to be qualified to oversee it. A biochemistry and human physiology background and ability to analyze and understand scientific study is sufficient.
Please do something about maize. I was poisoned since I was 6 years old for 25years. I do not have protection under the law due to the allergy laws. FARRP should not be doing allergy studies as they have a conflict of interest and specifically do not do proper corn allergy studies and leaves out data concerning gluten that is in maize. I do not have allergy rights in the USA. I have lived in 5 states and I am met with denial of the existence of my allergy in all of them in hospital and clinic settings where they did not have to tell me my allergen was present which made me chronically sick and destroyed my liver. In pharmacy school they even lied to my face about what contained maize in a classroom setting. Fixing medicine also starts with reducing big pharma funding of those schools. I faint in grocery stores, near gas stations, and anything made with ethanol or ethylene gas. I don’t get to have clean air due to ethanol. I cannot eat at any restaurant due to maize. Meat is hard to find due to the fact I can only eat grass finished meat. Dairy is hard to find due to the ban on raw milk, the corn diets of cows, and plastic. Yogurt is problematic due to the bacteria and how they are harvested and preserved. Cryopreservation can use corn derived ingredients. Vaccines and antibiotics never label containing corn yet it is listed on state government websites but not in medical facilities. At UNMC a nurse refused to put my allergy down because as she said it does not exist. Fruits are sprayed with maize. Paper and plastic both burn my hands at this point. plastic is often made with corn derived ingredients. I cannot find a job due to the fact my family and I have paid for the government to spend money poisoning me and making me disabled. Clothing to hygiene products are hard to find. This is not a joke and there are others like me. Some are children who are being gaslighted currently like I was. There is cross-reactivity between corn and soy and corn contains gluten unless nixtilimated. The Mayans had it in their myth for a reason and most wet milled corn products are toxic to humans and pets. We shouldn’t be lying so we purposely get people to poison themselves. Online I was punished for COVID misinformation when talking about my allergen. the vaccine companies can lie but I cannot speak the truth. Corn is obviously part of the seed oil problem. In my mind it is the most vile of all the seed industries. Attached are corresponding corn information. I could go on about wasted tax payer dollars and the green scam of ethanol but I’m not sure if that is the most relevant to this chat.
The FDA approves the drugs- and they are currently in the pockets of big pharma. That organization needs to be completely overhauled and have strict regulations on compensation from big pharma.
This is fantastic. What’s missing is ending all “requirements” for any vaccines. Period.
This proposal is rather comprehensive, but thorough on addressing these concerns
The Pharmaceutical Accountability and Transparency Act (PATA)
Also, there should be freedom for individuals to choose health care from all types of licensed care practitioners, holistic options, lab work, diagnostic procedures, treatment options outside the norm such as treatment options (naturalistic) for cancer, etc.
Seniors should be able to access this great care and Medicare should pay for the freedom to choose.
I just read this morning Biden-Harris are now attempting to get a weight loss BIG PHARMA medication approved for medicaid. Has the RX been tested, or are Officials/K St Lobbyists in deep with the company? One of my medications is over $1,000 and the Epi-pens are outrageous and I must carry one everywhere from the ‘researched’ Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN ALPHA-GAL, six year ‘study’ prior to my rare diagnosis (3rd in NJ data base).
We should add:
To solve wheather vaccines cause autism or not, first let us understand and be capable to answer for a simple question - what is autism? who can be affected, how, when, where, etc.?
then, next and last queastion should be - is the vaccine can cause autism?
Certainly, the first can be answered by ourselves. However, although to answer tge second question, we should have to earn accurate and the right answer for tge first, here for the second question, there should be assistance from the vaccibe producer and regulator bodies