RFK-derived Medical Freedom Platform

The one problem with that is medical mandates are not mentioned in the Constitution, and thus fall under the legal authority of the individual states.

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hmmmmm… when I have the time I need to look at this deeper and give you a thorough reply. Hope to do by this Friday

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I love the world where all vaccines are double blind placebo randomized control trials but it is simply not ethical. I can see for the flu vaccine but how do you perform a trial with a disease in comparison to one such as polio?

Also, gain of function research. I feel gain of function research is necessary to help protect us in the case of a pandemic and potentially to help mitigate one. However, I feel the government and health agencies need to be more transparent with what is going on and when a virus gets released from their labs.


I work at a virtual school and our state department of health still mandates vaccines for all students. Thankfully our state does allow religious exemption but they won’t tell you that. You have to look for that yourself.

Currently the public voice of the Trump-Kennedy campaign is focused on food and toxin problems. I understand that this verbiage may be needed as a shoehorn to allow conversation to happen, but the campaign and the administration must not forget the incredible importance of vaccines to damaging the health of the country. Behind that damage is a series of treasonous laws and executive orders which have allowed Covid19 to unfold as it did. These are best described by Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova. They too must be addressed. Thank you.


Open state borders for insurance interstate competition to bring down rates. When health insurance companies are limited to one state, the largest of those companies create monolpolies and with no competition, the largest has lower rates and lowest coverage. Citizens deserve freedim of choice deciding what coverage they want and need rather be held hostage by only being able to afford a basic plan and then pay a huge copay, deductable and prescriptions.


True. I suggest that EVERY STATE PUT IN THERE STATE CONSTITUTION, that absolutely NO MANDATES ON ANYTHING be prohibited and if they find any sector of cooperation or businesses or schools try to inforce it, they will be immediately stopped, and investigated. Any one citizen can bring charges including students 16 and over. With ID of course. Youths are our next generations.

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Vaccine-products should face the same efficacy and safety testing as all other pharmaceuticals. The liability shield placed under Reagan is a perverse incentive, and has proven to be harmful, killing and permanently injuring millions of people.


Executive Order 13818 - Executive Order 13818—Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption | The American Presidency Project Will come into play here. Why? Many of the people who were involved in pushing vaccine narrative did so with a full intent of harming/killing/maiming others. If found guilty of said crimes via Military tribunals, death sentence or lifetime imprisonment.


It might be hard to get qualified people in the government roles, but I understand and support the sentiment to eliminate conflicts.

All former CDC, NIH, WHO, etc. should bevyried for crimes against humanity.


This is so big. I don’t know anyone can’t support real, non-influenced, science behind medicine. I’ve heard so many people argue that “Vaccines and Autism are not linked; ‘they’ have so many studies showing there is no connection” - yeah, studies bought and paid for by the Pharma industry. Go talk to a mother of an Autistic child and see how well your argument stands.

I’m not saying it’s the sole cause as it could be the culmination of several factors - but that’s just it. You can’t say for certain. I can’t say for certain. But we both more than likely acknowledge the rise in autism diagnosis. This is why we need scientists without a conflict of interest performing these tests and conducting this type of research. If some lobbyist says they’re going to pull their funding if you publish an article that would damage whatever entity that lobbyist represents, that article is likely not going to have the debut it deserves.


Effective immediately there needs to be training in Emergency Medical Departments and school nurses and Pharmacies across the nation to identify and medically treat vaccine injuries, acknowledge in the medical records, and establish a billing code established through CMS for reimbursement and protocols. Stop infant vaccination Day 1.


Ban all Gain of Function research. There is always a future risk of a lab-made pathogen escaping the lab and this is why we need to shut down so-called Gain of Function labs and research, worldwide.

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Why don’t you explore alternatives to vaccines that work on the cell-mediated arm of the immune system. It transfers memory of a specific antigen to one’s immune memory cells. If the antigen is present the immune system addresses the issue. However, if the antigen is not present then it remains in an anticipatory state. Furthermore, if a pregnant mother takes for instance a product addressing childhood illnesses in her last month of gestation, then when she nursed her newborn, the baby will receive this additional immune profile from the colostrum. Vaccine production is at best black magic and has caused more health problems. The excipients in the vaccines alone cause ill health. As an aside this approach was heavily researched and even awarded NIH grants only to be kicked to the curb in the early 1980s. Why? Big Pharma could not patent the structure and it competed with the vaccine industry, which perpetuated health problems rather than curing.

Fully repeal Obamacare. Let the markets bear. Healthcare is a group of services provided by licensed healthcare professionals. Oversight? Yes. Health care Insurance is a product. Open the marketplace to qualified insurers and healthcare policies designed for the consumer and their family.


I believe lobbyist are the culprits to deceit , BAN ALL lobbyist.


I’m not sure removal of funding for 8 years makes up for crimes against humanity, but it’s a step in the right direction.

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Again, in order to capture priority, each recommendation needs to be parsed out so that priority can be established through the voting system. I agree with everything here though.

It’s incredibly exciting that RFK is bringing a Revolution in Health to the federal level. It seemed like such a huge problem with no way to solve, and all of a sudden massive, rapid change is within sight.