Return to paper ballots for all United States elections

Return to paper ballots for all United States elections. Requiring voter ID to ensure reliability and confidence in US elections.


A must for heute and fair elections… also ID required for all voting !!


I agree for in person, Valid ID, Paper ballots only. Those who need help getting to a location can get a ride and request help that day, and it is a day where everyone is off of work.


Paper ballots are still fed into a machine and become computerized.

I agree on paper ballots and if paper ballots are counted by machine, the machine must utilize Blockchain technology to secure votes.

No machines period! Hand counted, paper ballots. The tabulators hold the algorithms that are “proprietary code” that can not be viewed by governments or the public. Hand counted paper ballots are the only way to have fair elections. Way harder to cheat!

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Clarify Voter ID: Physical Identification presented at the time of casting the vote. NO DIGITAL ID!!!

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I agree with this, and put serial number on each one like a dollar bill for traceability

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