Restore Small Town America

There have been three great periods of prosperity and growth in America - The Golden Age (late 1800’s and early 1900’s), military ramp up for WWII and post WWII period. All three periods followed a similar model a vibrant small town that provided three key elements a manufacturing focus, affordable housing and locally sourced food. I believe we can revitalize the whole of America by focusing on developing three simple macro policies to facilitate micro-manufacturing, providing affordable housing (tiny homes) and local micro-farming. With a few executive orders and a relatively small amount of seed money allocated to each county I believe the growth and prosperity results would be significant within 12 - 18 month and sustainable long into the future. Important NOTE: What gives me hope that this model is doable in modern America today is by looking at the results a small group of like-minded people are doing to bring hope and restoration to Western North Carolina with very little federal and state assistance. If given the opportunity, the authority and a little seed the American Spirit will once again demonstrate we can accomplish anything we set our mind to but we need a way and a manner for ALL Americans to participate in the rebuilding of American Manufacturing.

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