Okay, I see some other people beat me to this. I forgot to write it much earlier. But I read their proposals and I think we need to say more than that, so please bear with me.
When covid struck we started trying to buy some seeds to plant a garden but we were not only not encouraged to do so but we were actively kept from buying the seeds even when they were in the stores (we lived in Michiganistan at the time and have gratefully moved away since). In the past, in times of food insecurity people were encouraged to grow their own food at home, to lessen dependance on grocery stores and to add to food stability. That alone was enough to confirm our growing certainty that something bad was going on, worse than the usual shenanigans of the world.
We all hope that things will get better now that Trump is in office. Alot of people fear they will get worse too. In fact, regardless of political opinions, it seems safe to say it’s likely we’re about to have some more upheaval. Maybe more than we’ve ever seen before.
So, I propose that the Federal Government begin a campaign to restart victory gardens. We need attention drawn to the idea, advertisement not only of the idea that people who can SHOULD plant some food wherever they can, asking them to please do it if at all possible and explaining why this helps, but also how-to advice advertisement to help them do it and keep the idea in the public’s mind. Maybe free seeds or plant starts made available, etc. Everyone loves to get free stuff, which also would draw attention to the campaign.
If we did this, we could help a little to keep people from getting starved out if/when the economy gets collapsed or whatever the next calamity will be.
If the citizens are commonly growing their own food, even if it’s just a few tomato plants and squash and such in a few containers, they’re not going to be as desperate or as vulnerable if things break down. It gives more breathing room before things get bad. This would give our nation a little more resiliency at a grass roots level. We’d be just that little bit harder to attack.
Actually, I propose it to whoever happens to see this post, whatever the government decides to do, maybe we don’t need to wait for them. Hopefully, who ever you are, you can see these days how vulnerable it is that we all get our food pretty exclusively from the grocery stores. And it’s got to be getting clearer that that food has bad things put into it. It would be wonderful if they can be stopped from doing that but it seems to me that in the mean time if we start growing even a little bit of food at home we have a little more safety for ourselves and our families if things go bad. Yes, we all hope things will be wonderful from here on out… but you know there’s going to be push back. Nobody’s going to do all the evil stuff we’ve all been watching and then just stop because we’ve got a new president. They’re too invested.
This is something we the people can do to take back even a tiny bit of security and we don’t have to wait for anyone else to be able to do it or tell us we can.
There could be a grass roots movement to do this, to take back even a bit of our food production from the people who’ve been using our dependency on them to harm and control us. We, humanity, simply have to decide to do it.
What about that idea? Pass it on?