Let us stop accepting poisoned foods as the normal default. Large and obnoxious warnings as required for cigarettes can also be required for foods containing Glyphosate.
Additionally, a 17% tax shall be levied on the sale of glyphosate containing foods so that organic alternatives can better compete. The tax revenues can go to medicare if not reinvested back into the people’s health.
I thought we had a big win when Congress finally got off its duff and passed the bill that all foods had to have a GMO Warning on the package. Now it appears that policy has gone by the wayside and has been replaced with a tiny print warning in the ingredient area. The warning says (paraphrased) that this food contains ingredients that have been bio-engineered. What does that mean? Then, if you want to learn more about this issue, you are sent to a more confusing website than the original message. The consumer needs to know all the potentially harmful information BEFORE purchasing it, not after!