Require pornographic websites to verify user age with some form of Identification before access

I believe that websites that showcase pornographic content should be required by law to verify user’s ages (18+) before allowing access to the site. Too many young children are getting exposed to these sites at a young age and are getting addicted, leading to damage to their brains and possibly lifelong addiction. I believe this could be a bipartisan bill as I don’t see who would approve of minors accessing this type of content. It could be as simple as accessing these websites requires creating an account and verifying your age with a drivers licenses. Porn addiction is soaring in a country that has a growing mental health crisis, leading to depression, divorce, and suicide. If there was something to protect our children for accessing this content and only allowing access later when their brains are more developed and they can make a well educated choice in whether or not to watch pornographic content, I believe it would improve mental health in this country, especially for men, tenfold. As it stands right now I believe the average age of first contact with porn is somewhere around 10-12, which to me is disgusting and dangerous.

I say ban all pornography