We need to have real life skill classes in high school. Like how to pay taxes, starting a small business. We should create more technology centers and trade classes more accessible to students. Things that can help those students who don’t go to college at least go out and start the world with some real knowledge.
It’s a great idea. It does have some flaws if you mandate courses in every high school or junior high throughout the country that implies training currently we don’t even have enough people in the trade skills, woodworking, welding, plumbing, electric, etc. to do the jobs that are available in America.
The civics course that you suggest should be mandatory and wouldn’t require anything more than a guideline and addendum to our Government course. This courses available in many private schools, including the ones where my kids go.
I think when we formulate these ideas, it would be great if we speculated about the cost of the idea to the American people and is it worth our tax dollars?