Require citizenship to recieve any food stamps or general relief from the government

We should stop giving food stamps to illegals and we should make it federally illegal to provide them with any support that contradicts the illegality of their presence in this country.


Citizenship and residency has always been required before. Obviously someone changed the rules.


And with what legal reason? I doubt there is a legal reason. Maybe someone ought to do something about that?


Given that this looks like an organized invasion of our nation, I believe this would be labeled aiding and abetting the enemy.

I think they call that treason.


absolutely wonderful idea. This would likely stop most of the illegal immigration into this country. We must remove the incentives!


I believe the SCOTUS had a hand in that. I know they ruled that illegals can benefit from anything supported by tax dollars. This happened many years back.

For my money, I would exempt illegals from all payroll taxes provided that also makes them ineligible to receive government benefits . This would include food stamps (in whatever form), free healthcare, social security, and public education.

I also want birthright citizenship removed. It was introduced after the US Civil war to settle questions about the rights of former slaves. I think the decision was badly flawed for that circumstance and for every other that it has been applied to since.

IMO, birthright citizenship should accrue only to offspring of citizens of the US and then only when both parents are citizens. All others should be denied citizenship rights until naturalized and that should not be possible until the offspring of non-citizens reach legal majority, which I think should be at age 21 for everyone. 18-year olds are too immature for it. Before you mention 18-yo in the military, I also believe that military service should require having reached legal majority.

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This idea is a no brainer. Of course USA taxpayer assistance should only go to citizens of the USA.