Require Big Food (e.g., Kellogg's) to offer US customers the healthier versions of foods already sold in other countries

The Food Babe and others have pointed out how Big Food makes healthier versions of food such as cereals that they sell in other countries because those countries REQUIRE it. Her classic example is Froot Loops - in Germany they are made without artificial dyes and BHT, but not so in the US. The US government needs to take a position on such ingredients, but also follow through. Companies are not doing it on their own. In 2015, Kellogg’s announced plans to remove artificial colors and artificial flavors from all of their cereals by the end of 2018, but they have not.


Hi, wouldn’t just eliminating any and all non nutritious, cancer causing additives be a better alternative…including seed oils…making an alternative to popular poison while still offering the latter seems like a win win for the poison sellers.

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I agree that what you suggest would be better, but I think those steps would take a long time to accomplish. I suggested what I did because it could be implemented more quickly - the products exist and could be made available in US markets, if the US government started with a requirement that US customers be treated at least equally to those in any other country in terms of ingredients.

Currently organic foods cost more as they must be “certified”…what if the organic healthy foods are made the norm eliminating the need to certify and any foods that contain unhealthy and or cancer causing ingredients be marked with warning labels.