I have a severe food allergy, as do millions of others.
Unlike on foods or even cosmetics, there is no required allergen labelling on alcohol in America, as it is regulated by the ATF. This makes it very difficult to safely consume beverages, because even when calling and emailing companies, it can be difficult to receive an answer, let alone in a timely manner when in a store or at a party. This was a mine field when I was in college, and it still is very difficult for me as a young professional.
In many other countries in the world, full ingredient information is required on alcoholic beverages. That would be ideal, but, even if this is not possible, manufacturers should at least be required by law to list major allergens on bottles and cans.
As a side note, alcohol is a consumable food. It should be regulated under the FDA. The “A” in ATF doesn’t make sense. Also, ironically, the “T” for tobacco requires ingredient (at least some) information on tobacco products like snus. So people have the right to know what’s in their tobacco, but not what’s in their alcohol. How does this make any sense?
Furthermore, the USA is one of the only countries, and perhaps the only major country, that does NOT require at least allergens on alcohol! When I travel abroad, it is so nice that I can read not only allergens but also ingredient information on alcoholic products, just like with any other consumable product! Why hasn’t this been done in America? It should have been done decades ago.
Thanks for your time. Love you all! If you are not sure whether or not to upvote, please forward this post to a friend or family member who has food allergies. I can almost guarantee you they have suffered from this same issue! Even if you yourself do not have allergies or do not consume alcoholic beverages, shouldn’t we have the right to know what manufacturers are putting into a consumable product?
Peace, and MAHA/MAGA!