Current FDA laws do not require manufacturers to label for cross contamination of deadly food allergies. If the manufacturer cleans the equipment a certain way, they don’t have to mention the allergen at all on the label. Things like natural and artificial flavors should be required to list the full ingredients. This makes eating difficult and scary for those with deadly food allergies who react to trace amounts of the allergen. All schools in the US should be completely nut free as well.
As someone who is allergic to strawberries I fully support this. The cost of EpiPens and allergy shots need to be affordable.
I am so for this! Labeling on food needs to be crystal clear on any food item being sold. This goes for dining, grocery stores, and food trucks. ANYONE SELLING FOOD.
Ex: Ingredients like maltodextrin on a label isn’t a clear indication of a product containing gluten or no gluten. There is a gluten free version of the ingredient, but it is never usually clear. Unless a product is certified gluten free, it is not usually celiac safe.
In situations where cross contamination of ingredients is a high probability, but not clear to the consumer, they should not list it as safe.
Ex: Pizza place has gluten free crust but uses the same oven for gluten containing crust is false advertising to those who order from a gluten free menu without knowing they are using the same oven.
I think it should be required for anyone serving food to know what food allergies are and how to prepare food for those who have them (changing gloves, utensils, cutting boards, etc). It should be a specific required class where you get a license or certificate and you are only able to serve food or prepare food if you have passed.
I mention gluten because I live with celiac disease. I only feel safe eating a few things from the store and from a few places. People seem to think gluten is ONLY wheat and that is not the case. If a person with celiac consumes gluten, the villi in the intestine can be damaged and take years to repair or cause permanent damage, making it impossible to go to the bathroom and then the consumer ends up with a colostomy bag. They can also experience a variety of unpleasant and painful symtoms after consumption for weeks after consuming. These symptoms include pain, weakness, rash, neuropathy, and many more things.
This policy should stand for all food allergies. Many people live with them now. Some more extreme than others and people who don’t have them have no idea just how damaging and difficult it is for someone to consume something they shouldn’t. There are hidden ingredients in just about everything.