Repeal and abolish the PATRIOT Act and all its related legislation to restore rights to Americans that were “temporarily” abrogated following 9/11
Concerning the Patriot Act, it was based on suggestions by the bipartisan 9/11 Commission after 9/11. With the intent of fixing the things that allowed 9/11 to occur. Some of it has to do with law enforcement agencies sharing information. Such as the coast guard and the police. I would not want some of that removed.
No, the Patriot Act was a Trojan Horse to usher in a surveillance state. Repeal the Act in its entirety. If, after that, there are useful provisions that should be reconsidered, let them be voted upon as single issue bills.
I’m not sure if the Patriot Act covers this, but the 3 letter agencies capitalize on turning citizens into spies (CI’s). We’ve got family members and friends in our circles running around collecting private information on us and turning it over to people who don’t have citizens best interests in mind. Cut off these incentives to do so and families can start trusting each other again.
Yes!!! Repeal the Patriot Act. I’ve been believing it needs to be repealed for decades!
That’s insane. Something like that is happening to me as well. This must be getting ubiquitous!
I wish I could agree with you, but it is doing far more harm. Under PA, the DHS works with fusion centers, which literally put listening devices and hidden cameras into innocent people’s homes. The FBI puts out fraudulent FISA warrants, also on innocent people, and Infragard, a citizen arm of FBI literally stalks and harass people. These institutions need to be reformed. Congress almost got FISA reform, and a warrant for Americans, but Speaker Johnson cast the deciding vote to prevent the warrant requirement. I understand what you mean, but these abused counter terrorism laws have destroyed our civil liberties. Reform needed.
The Patriot Act was pushed through Congress by Bush 43 which created FISA/FISC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I vote to abolish the Patriot Act and the DHS and review other, current laws geared toward thwarting Terrorism.
George W Bush was a weak leader and betrayed millions of Americans for occultic and monetary causes! We must also work to repeal legislation regarding the fundamental Right to Keep and Bear Arms, which begins with the unconstitutional “National Firearms Act” of 1934. We must end government surveillance, monitoring, taxation, etc on fundamental rights! We must not allow the government to gain certain powers with broad terms like “terrorism” and “assault weapon” that can virtually be defined in a thousand different ways. They use fear as a tool as they weaponize the government, in order to distract and divide us while they are performing secret, covert actions that are often covered up or disguised as good (COVID was a great example of fear being used for power gain). The PATRIOT ACT is a disgraceful and treasonous piece of legislation that changed our rights and redefined the government’s power, more-so than any law since FDR times. We must fight against the globalist powers and societies intending to use America and destroy our culture, religions, media, intellectual institutions, etc. Twitter is @17Truth17
Patriot act limits regular citizens’ liberty because it allows government to act on subjective definitions of “terrorists.” On 911, we all understood what a terrorist was. So now people who disagree with a school board are domestic terrorists. Hamas and Hezbollah are not terrorists, they are freedom fighters. Political opponents can go on a secret terror watch list for expressing their opinions. Misinformation and disinformation is defined arbitrarily as an excuse to suppress the free speech. Britain and Russia can throw you in prison for words expressed in public or in media. Lesson is that temptation leads to corruption. Current events show how far a corrupt government will go to stifle speech, pervert the law to target people. The idea that our former president is not immune from the corruption scares the crap out of me.
Stop defending tyranny
Totally agree DHS is a corrupt boondoggle and a violator of our basic civil liberties.
This is the correct stance. We should not keep a bad law because one part is good. Get rid of it and vote to keep just the important part if that is the case.
Remedy that by repealing the Patriot Act, and enacting a different bill which enables the beneficial, but not overrreaching aspects, as mentioned.
The US Government now has a license to unlawfully surveil US Citizens via the patriot act. This is in direct violation of unlawful searches and seizures, as searches are conducted on private citizens without their awareness and seizure of their data is executed without their consent, nor the direct consent of a court.
No benefit is necessary to propel this illegality any further.
This should be struck down immediately, as being unconstitutional, and any desired facets of the Patriot Act reintroduced as new legislation.
Want wartime powers? Then let us be at war.
The minute the wars ended, these wartime powers for those wars ended.
Yes! It just burns me up to have to go through what was meant for terrorists. Especially when the alleged perpetrators of 9/11 should have been found and neutralized befire 9/11. 9/11 was evidence that terrorists are allowed but we have our rights trounced on.
All unconstitutional law needs to be repealed. And everyone passing unconstitutional law needs to be held accountable.
I’ll never understand Homeland Security as we have an FBI and CIA and Military intelligence. Like so many agencies, as soon as power was given, power was exploited for personal political purposes.
There is nothing patriotic about the patriot act.
This should be at the top of the list. Also make it treason to lie to the American people.