Remove Secrecy from Patents


‘Free energy’ and ‘zero-point energy’ are references to the field of quantum mechanics and is relatively new. There is currently a lot of ongoing research in this field (quantum and subatomic systems). Although the military would certainly not allow such National Security revelations in the field (since free energy = won wars) to be sitting around in a publicly available patent, I feel quite certain that developed technologies do exist in black budget military projects regarding quantum physics, under past historical understanding that, whatever technology was publically available, our government had technology that was 20 years more advanced (that was confirmed in the 1970s). Then in the 1990s, that confirmed estimate climbed to 50 years difference. Today it is estimated to be well over 100 years difference. This differential has been increasing at an increasing rate logrithmically over time.

For those to say that this exponential technological disparity does not exist, or that suggested technologies are merely fantasies simply because they are not sitting on Jane Doe’s kitchen table – I believe that they are seriously out-of-touch with how these technological advancements are taking place both in secret and through public adoption; and are confined to thinking inside of a predefind box, invented by their own imaginations (or lack thereof). My two cents on it. :sunglasses:

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I absolutely agree with you. Very good points. There are even several methods supposedly for time travel. One which I like which is bending lasers in a controlled rotating field. There are a lot of videos over last-moment confessions about alien space craft technology. Imagine using such technology for modern exploration. I also agree with you that we need to put all old mindsets aside and focus on possibilities and not secrecy and gatekeeping of patents.

I understand people who already know about such technologies might be afraid of what the unsupervized average-minded-public might do with it, especially if it has the ability to go kab00m or open black-holes, but surely there are methods to experiment, create, invent, and keep the planet/public safe at the same time. Perhaps our tax dollars can make special places to develop such technologies and keep people safe. Maybe we can have a non-government entity that does not get completely involved but supervises with engineers and scientists, offering multiple levels of checks, security measures, safety measures, with the average public as they develop new technologies. I personally like the idea to make an orbiting space-station laboratory, or a special island lab, or secluded desert labs all open to the general-average public to work on potentially dangerous experiments under appropriate supervision. Obviously members allowed to develop such technologies should go through a background and mental fitness check. Safety in working and making such technologies should be extremely important. Perhaps one day we can develop such technologies in the safety of orbiting asteroids away from any planets. That would be an amazing feat.

I also like the idea that the general-public should get involved in interstellar exploration, contruction, and interplanetary engineering. I strongly believe people were destined for the stars. I believe Earth won’t last forever and we should have already been at the level to travel short distances in space. I think power needs to be taken away from any authoritarian entities, beurocracies, and secrecy, and given power in the hands of the people with principled and ethical values who i think will gladly give their lives and talents to human progress and development. I believe humanity needs to get back on track. The people are the gateway and key to human evolution, progress, and innovation. We need many minds, all IQ levels, as many patterns of thinking, and people with as many skills as possible. Any individual can make a difference in helping or developing the next greatest technology. To do this, the first step is opening the flood gates of patents from secrecy and gatekeeping.

Maybe you should try actually working on that rather than feeling it necessary to add discussion about things like ‘Time Travel’ to your talking points.

All this conversation continues to do is sound increasingly like the rantings of a madman who is not in touch with reality itself.

You seem to be searching for something i dont want to discuss with you. I’m focuses on the policy of removing secrecy from patents. Good day.

It looks like they’re doing it. What about those “5G” towers? Only problem is a lot of these things are historically weaponized, although I agree we need more transparency.

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And you can’t seem to help but talk about patents that almost certainly don’t exist while doing so. You’re either talking about things that don’t exist or else way overselling what’s actually going to happen if you actually accomplish what you’re looking to achieve.

For argument’s sake, let’s imagine that you actually achieve the removal of patent secrecy you’re looking for, and it turns out that all those secret patents you’re looking for are comparatively mundane.

You don’t get any super science future tech, it turns out this ‘technological exponential curve’ is an absolute load of BS, and none of the science you really want is actually there to be found.

Then what?

You sell people on the idea of getting rid of this secrecy in the name of super science, and it turns out there’s no super science to be found because it turns out that the supposed super science is also a bunch of BS and the reason that no other nation on Earth has independently developed this science that the US is supposedly hiding away is because it doesn’t exist to be found.

Then what?

I expect some people to be against the idea of removing secrecy from patents. You are okay to express your dissagreement. I encouage it. Progress doesnt happen overnight and with everyone’s approval; especially from those who want to gate-keep for their rationalized excuses. Deepstaters will be against it to hold on for power. Those who share some of benefit from it will be against it to maintain holding on to what benefit they get from it. Those with fear, who do not know enough, and those who are not willing to know, will be against it. This is all fine. My encouragment is to do research, dig, and come up with your own conclusions. Do you believe those who tell you things are alright and that it doesn’t exist who hold a poor track record of credibility, accountability, and lying, or the people who are freethinking, want transparency, and proof through credible investigation. You decide.

Beyond the main point, these are first world problems. I have a slave job I have to worry about and not spend all day on the internet giving myself skibbidy brainrot.

  • And then… “WHAT IF” Paul is proven right in the near future?

  • And then… "WHAT IF "Your post is later found to be wrong because you are living inside a box, demonstrating the foresight and abstract thought capabilities of a dung beetle?
    :beetle: :cockroach:

  • And then… “WHAT IF” Everyone reads your foolish post (along with this one) 10 years from now and concludes that you lived in a ‘mental stone age’ fantasy land, rife with ‘hypotheticals and speculations’, just like you accuse Paul of having (but on a much more sensory, static, and primal level – like that of a dog, or crab, or an amoeba)? :dog2: :crab: :microbe:

  • And then… “WHAT IF” some of those future readers and critics, decades later, come to the same inevitable conclusion (while agreeing with this post) that this MKSJ guy invested a hell of a lot of hot air in here, for so little public gain? :poop: :poop: :poop:

What, then? :astonished:

PS - But you shouldn’t worry your pretty little head about that remote possiblity now, because you have already magically predicted (with a thrust of your favorite flintsone caveman’s axe) that this is not even possible, right? Time will tell. Tata, dear. :laughing:

What am I supposed to research that will address the core, underlying problems presented here?

What I don’t believe is a scenario that defies all reason.


The idea that the US Government is actively sitting on genuine technological developments for the sole purpose of doing nothing with them, actively knowingly holding the entire world back, while assuming that either every other entity on Earth is either incapable of developing any of the same advances or going along with also holding themselves back in spite of the obvious leg up it would give them to actually jump ahead of the rest of the world with these supposed amazing scientific advancements.

Consider the sheer number of ways this entire proposal utterly falls apart.

You’re talking to me about ‘free thinking’, I’m sitting here questioning if you’re trying to be so ‘free thinking’ that you’re letting your mind wander out the gate you’ve left wide open.

So is fantasizing about secret technology that would make all your problems go away and the only thing standing in the way is a government that keeps those technology secret for the sole purpose of making your life miserable just a hobby that helps you deal with your miserable, soul-crushing job?

There is 0 evidence to support Paul being right and the fact that he provides zero justification to support the idea that there exists technologies such as ‘free energy’ or ‘time travel’ is the major problem here.

There has been no effort to back up the idea that any of these supposed ‘magical’ technologies exist and would suddenly change the world if they were exposed to the world.

Even Paul has admitted how weak his arguments are.

So perhaps you can do a better explaining this major problem that, for me, utterly destroys the idea that anything that Paul seems to hope to get from this proposal is capable of happening:

The idea that the US Government is actively sitting on genuine technological developments for the sole purpose of doing nothing with them, actively knowingly holding the entire world back, while assuming that either every other entity on Earth is either incapable of developing any of the same advances or going along with also holding themselves back in spite of the obvious leg up it would give them to actually jump ahead of the rest of the world with these supposed amazing scientific advancements.

Do you actually care about having a genuine conversation or do you just care about feeling smug and superior about yourself?

With you my dear MKSJ, I will settle for “Superior”. Now off you go, child. The stone-age merry-go-round has stopped; and your quarter is spent. Tata. :slight_smile:

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If you want to be taken seriously, you should consider acting as if you want to be taken seriously.

Not sure why you’re so angry. I litterly read all your past replies to other topics from your profile. You’re a very angry person it seems to me. All your posts have negative connotations. This reflects poorly on your behavioral ethics. Surely there are better ways to communicate effectively with others and reflect goodwill and merit to others. Now going back to the topic, I suggest let the people decide if there is secrecy in the patent system. Let them find examples. I’m absolutely certain they can find better examples then what I have already shown here. If there is no secrecy then so beat it. I will disagree, but let the American people decide for themselves.

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What is it about what I’ve said that makes you interpret my position as “angry”?

If you want ‘angry’ you should look at Susan. That’s where you’ll find “angry”.

You’ve yet to explain your logic on insisting to continue to talk about things like “Free energy” and “Time Travel”,

Nah, Susan has chill. They’re rational.
Starting to feel like this might be your job to sow division or use this platform as some sort of expressive outlet. Not sure what the deal is. Dont really care anymore at this point. As for free energy and time travel, you’re not one worth talking to over these cases. Sorry bro, ethics and goodwill to others before discussions and debates. If you were rational, logical and displayed quality principles, I wouldn’t mind sharing more. That has been long lost. I’ll carry on discussion with others. Hope you have a good one, this will be my last message to you. Farewell.

How does this:

Qualify as ‘Chill’ and ‘rational’?