Remove All Sexual Exploration from Curriculums and Sexual Exploration Books from K-12 School Libraries

Remove all sexually driven materials from school libraries and curriculum, including books that have explicit details about sexual behaviors, sexual tricks, homosexuality and heterosexual practices.

Schools should not be allowing material into their libraries where children can check out a book that talks about sex between a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, an older person with a minor, or anything sexually having to do with animals. Sex education should obviously be taught at some capacity about STI’s like it used to be, and avoiding pregnancy.

This would also mean removing any books that groom children for predators, or books that encourage the sexualization of children and teenagers.

This should also be a movement to remove books from schools that talk about being a furry, or any strange sexual identities that children should not be exposed to when they should be learning about how to enjoy their lives and be productive and thriving members of society.

The books available in schools should not teach children about how to have sex, find their sexuality, or how to perform various sexual activities, and any topics of sexual nature should be based in basic biology and anatomical studies, provided that it is professional, true down to biology, and educational. This includes gender/transgender ideology that denies basic biology and confuses children before they become an adult and before they even have the chance to embrace adulthood.

Sexual behaviors and sexual identity should not be the responsibility of a school to teach a child or teenager, as our education system should be focused on creating a productive and prosperous young generation of people who are healthy and in pursuit of bigger, more fulfilling pursuits that do not involve unique sexual identities and sexual exploration. We should get our young generation focused on the future and the bigger things they can do in life, rather than getting them wrapped up in sexuality.


To add: If schools continue to put this kind of curriculum and books within their walls, they can be fined for exposing children to materials that distract them from focusing on school activities.

Conversations from teachers to students about sexuality, sexual practices, and any kind of conversations that open a child’s mind to exploring sexuality should be completely prohibited from school environments, and the teachers who do these kinds of things should have consequences for promoting these things. For them to have their own preferences is private and they are allowed to do whatever they want in their adult life, but they should not cross the line and push it onto children or encourage children and teenagers to explore sexuality.


The hard thing about making laws around this subject is that it’s near impossible to peg down exactly what the line is. As the former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart famously said: " I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be [obscenity], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it."

At the end of the day, we need a very strict law that is over-restrictive in its absolute interpretation, but will allow for human judgment by reasonable judges. It should be similar to the speed limit: enforced, but not absolutely.

The problem is we cannot trust judges to be reasonable. And unless you get extraordinarily granular with how each and every word in the law is meant, it will get twisted by activist attorneys and hostile judges. I have no idea what the solution is to that one.


Kids should be allowed to be kids, not worrying about anything sexual related. Create school and home environments which provide academics, arts & crafts, music, sports, fun/play, life skills.


I would add to the list of approved topics is teaching kids what grooming is, connect internet safety to sexual dangers, and what is sexual abuse. I think the topics could be taught by trained therapists (eg a Guest or school psychologist) and allow for parental consent/opt out.


Rather than FINING, There should be an arrest for influencing a minor.


Definitely needs to be removed from the elementary and middle school but inclusion as part of jr/sr high school sex ed, with a parents consent.

I’m 62, it was part of our health class when I was in 5th, 6th grade. The same class that taught us about menstruation and the changes to our body. It was done in a fashion as just scientific facts.


This would be fantastic and I think it is very much needed.


This should be called what it is - a crime. And organizations or groups promoting it should be investigated for such.

Government must uphold the power of responsible parents to raise their children according to their values without undue interference.


To this end, all curriculum should be available to parents. And, parents should be on committees to choose the curriculum - let’s give parents a voice and a sense of responsibility.

Also, lesson plans should be posted for parents to see what their children are learning.


Add removal from public libraries as well, not just school libraries.


THIS! Exactly this!

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Hi Haymay!
I was reading your post and I’m looking for a bit of clarification as I feel this somewhat aligns with bill HR5 and disclosure to parents.
Well, I agree with you that often times this is a topic that should be left up to parents to teach. I do also agree that pregnancy and avoiding pregnancy rather is something that needs to be addressed in school, and therefore it should be taught in an anatomical in scientific and clinical manner of speaking. However, I did notice that when you mention that she said that there should be no contacts of sexual relations specifically heterosexual relationships, so how do we go about allowing children, access to scientific and anatomical processes and procedures, without including hetero sexual intercourse as part of that? Or are you more so concerned with some thing other than the way that I’m taking it?


Thank you for asking. The reason I stated heterosexual is in direct relationship with teaching sexual tricks and the "how to"s. Some of these books pre-teens are bringing home teach these young kids how to make someone of the same sex reach climax, and teaching tricks to make someone of the opposite sex reach climax, and many other things that I thought only adults could read in the Cosmopolitan magazine for girl talk. That is very concerning to me because they don’t mention at all about sex leading to pregnancy. Under this bill, sex would need to be talked about in a professional, scientific (anatomical) way to address biology, which yes, would include heterosexual activity that leads to pregnancy (which I remember learning but not sure if they address it the same way today). So the information related to pleasure being pressed on children and their exploration of doing it with whoever they want should not be something encouraged by school curriculum or books they can get in school libraries. Hope that clears up what my ideas are.


I think this would be fantastic. I don’t see how the libraries would follow suit though to something like this. Maybe putting an age limit on books available, like a book list that only 18 year olds or older can check out. Maybe even 16? What do you think??

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What other thoughts do you have on this subject? I can edit this and add them in

This directly correlates with the current bill HR5 and should definitely be pushed out to a further expansion in order to allow parents a greater say. Not only that but when it’s topics such as pregnancy, sexual education, or something pertaining to gender of any kind there should be a specific email sent out with ALL teaching materials and lesson plans included. Many parents are not overly concerned with which section of PEMDAS their child is learning but more so geared towards social constructs and such.

There’s evidence that exposing children to sexual ideas and materials causes early puberty, which we see happening and earlier and earlier ages.

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Sex education should come from parents period! Remove all sex education. Learning the formation of babies can be taught in biology


Anything below 18 as legal adult removed, keep it simple :blush: