Release an unredacted report of Epsteins list and the JFK files

The people deserve answers from Epstein’s list as well as who actually killed JFK. The people can handle the truth!


But the Deep State cannot handle you knowing the truth, LOL! C’mon, man! They’ll go to jail, and we can’t have that, can we?


There needs to be a lot of material that the government has accumulated through the years made available.

The government raided and seized Teslas apartment contents including research and patent information.

The truth about John F Kennedy’s assassination. The official story of a magic bullet that defies the laws of physics is not believable.

The complete unredacted list of Epstein clients. Preferably with a list of tried cases associated.

Plus many others please comment for ones you would like to add.


A lot of Americans already know the truth in a rough and ready fashion, e.g., CIA killed JFK, FBI killed MLK etc.

With the mockingbird media on its deathbed, the truth is no longer being actively contained. The agencies will get cleaned out once awareness is high enough.

The people who should be pushing for disclosure and accountability are the low-level employees; having their bosses thrown in jail is a much more appealing prospect than facing an angry mob alongside them.

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Yes!! Release the truth! Let Americans know the truth about JFK and about Epstein and the people involved. Stop letting these elites get away with everything, while telling everyone how horrible everyone els is. Its time for accountability.