Regulate AI / Robots

-Ban AI from collecting sensitive personal data including SSN’s, and protected Medical information.

-Ban AI from associating with Religious beliefs or reasoning them.

-Ban Bio / Nano Robotics, especially those that can be administered unknowingly to any person.

-Prevent Robots from interacting with children outside of the family whom owns them unless a child asks the robot for help or the child is in distress.

Limit replacing Jobs with Robots such as:

-No Robot Police force, including Gov. Agencies, especially those that can detain / harm or kill civilians.

-No Robot Doctors / Nurses
People deserve a Human element to their healthcare. This however, would not prohibit the assistance of robotics for surgeries.

-No Robot Pilots
Airline companies will do anything to save money or make passengers more uncomfortable

-No Robot Prostitutes or Robot Wives / Husbands
Would discourage the nuclear family

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