Refound the Actual Republic of My People 1776: Voiding the Corporation; 3 Points

Only when the traitorous Corporation of the UNITED STATES is voided as unconstitutional, with its fiat currency, foreign wars and entanglements, piracy of the We, The People’s, inventions, discoveries, lands, houses, wealth, autonomy of food, health, morality, nuclear Family, etc., shall America be free and peaceful and prosperous once more.
The deliberate hijacking of our government, which now projects the image of the hijackers upon us all, has been well documented ; the 20th century theft of our country can be smoothly resolved by realigning all policies with the Bill of Rights , which is the list of our Unalienable Rights proceeding from the Almighty God, our Creator. Indeed, this is the cornerstone of the real Republic for these united states (original case used).

The research and plan for this refounding, has been well-formulated and implemented right now by various groups of sincere and genuine Americans. This economy we still suffer is the direct product of our national and personal Enemy, recently masking itself as the “New World Order”; formerly masked as The Club of Rome. the Synagogue of Satan who call themselves Jews but ARE NOT, the AngloAmerican Alliance, the United Nations, NATO, and on and on.

In my opinion, this Enemy must be banished from America, their assets seized,
because those assets were bought through theft of The People, even through taxation and censorship, along with the operation of central banks in collusion with IMF and BIS, etc.
For this seizure and the method for returning the wealth of the People of this nation to us, the People, a plan was put forward, {coming to my attention through the Documentary, “Thrive” , (that site is now hijacked and its generators dead], in the latter 1990’s, and published in a report by Mr. Walter Burien , JR. This plan is brilliant and simple and established with sound financial steps to preclude trauma and violence; however, the Corporate Thugs must be incarcerated or banished from our nation forever, and this plan retrieved.

Of course, the Corporate Thugs made certain that Mr. Burien was silenced; but , the plan is well known by many Patriots .

It is the return of our nation to founding principles and the return of our gold, silver, lands, houses, and our actual Constitution, hand-in-hand with the voiding of unjust and arbitrary legislation, and the banishment of this Group of Thugs and their progeny, and the centralized money system, that will free our economy back into the hands of WE The People.

The connection with foreign wars was laid out in the notes given to the Attendees of a certain “Summit Peace Conference”, which conference was held, every June, over a period of three consecutive years: 1960-1961; 1961-1962; 1962-1963. It was held in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The Attendees were the top military industrial complex corporations from every nation (to the best of my information), These nations, at that point in History, were majorly enemies geo-politically. Only some were allies. They were meeting in collusion to use their countries as pawns to keep the wealth from the people of those nations by agreeing to channel it, every year through the 21st Century,
into wars which they agreed to foment to destroy the individual national’s sovereignty, building a multinational Corporatocracy. This was all being done to bring “world peace” through the vehicle of endless wars and funding of the “OLD” World- order families, so they would not fight each other, but, rather fight against the population of their country for supreme control of life.


The policies are already well-formulated; the path already established. It is the opportunity of the Administration to truly turn away from these wars, re-establish real wealth by returning it to the People and Families from whom they stole it, especially since 1913-1963, through the present. WE are not bankrupt, they are, and they need to pay us back statim. The Genuine Republic still exists and can be refounded with its original Constitution. This is our final opportunity to turn away from being complicit with the Wicked and their progeny by repenting of our involvement and turning to God, The Almighty, even Jesus, Lord and Christ, as our forebears in this nation did.