Recognition of Indigenous peoples in all States

And as for your precious “recognition,” in NJ, as in some other places in the USA, people claiming to be Native American have been proven to have ZERO native ancestry so therefore are not recognized. To make a blanket statement about all “native people “ being recognized is patently wrong and disingenuous to actual native heritage, just because you want the right to open a freaking casino. The greed and self proclaimed exceptionalism of libtards is just staggering and stupefying.

Say whatever you want. This is about policies for the people and we as indigenous people are people too.

Sounds like you’re not actually Native American.It sounds like you are stuck in the mentality of last month, trying to virtue signal your way into getting special treatment from the government, when you’re not really recognized at all as being N.A. You’re just trying to be another parasite on the American people who actually work really hard and could give two shits about another way to gamble in their neighborhoods.

Go ahead. Post some more bullet points about this crap :poop:. See if anyone actually does anything except tell you what I am telling you now, that we are DONE with this bullshit.

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Keep harassing me.

lol :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy:
Umm, I don’t think Elon or Vivek will give a darn about what you term as “harassment.” You’re the one bringing this bs onto this platform trying to tell us raining when you’re pissing on our heads, sweet cheeks.

Go ahead. Report me.
PLEASE :pray:!!!