This title disgusts me. If this would’ve been a different title then I would’ve possibly read it. There is a portion of the transgender community that does regret transitioning and can’t reverse it therefore resulting in life long depression. If this forum was more about making resources for the transgender community to use when they aren’t sure whether to transition or not then I would’ve voted. I think there needs to be more educational opportunities for the pretrans community when they are adults and decide to change. I don’t mean bringing it into schools or anything. I mean when a person wants to transition and goes to their doctor about it, the doctor can then use a protocol to educate the person wanting the change to make sure they are 100% sure about it.
It is a social construct. Its rise in popularity has to do with everything from movies, music, books and more glorifying it as something people should aspire to. That culture is also to blame for many other things as well, Drug abuse, the absolute skyrocket in people identifying as at least bisexual if not outright homosexual. To each their own, but at no time in human history has there ever been so many in such a small age group. Between about middle school and about 30 years old, every bit of 50% of them are either bi or gay. This is coming out of their own mouth. For proof, don’t believe me. Go on X, FB, Reddit and even dating sites (for those 18 and above) and look at the profiles. A VERY large part of them reflect this behavior. Though 1500 spiecies on earth practice homosexuality, it is by far more common among humans. This uptick can only be explained by education/training. But watch the music videos, movies, look at the books (in and outside of the schools), blogs, podcasts and more. It’s in their face from evey angle. They are literally being taught to do this.
This is a very controversial and complex issue. Transgenderism has been around for eons. I don’t believe its fair to make grown adults (Bruce Jenner) suffer living in a body they don’t feel spiritually aligned to. They key word being adult. What I have an issue with is pushing the agenda on young impressionable children who have no idea who they are. Making transgenderism a mental disorder does not help. What helps is having the right policies that protect our youth, preserving their innocence until they can make decisions for themselves. Exposing young minds to something they have no clue about or are engaging in to be ‘cool’ or ‘in’, I see as the real issue.
Completely agree. What should also be done is provie counseling to help probe what mental health issue (anxiety, depression, etc.) is driving this confusion and treat that instead.
Trump is now changing things in so happy he’s back he is gonna make it Law where you cannot refer as a transgender man as a she or a transgender woman as a he. There are only two genders.
I believe the following.
- Mental health is playing a part here and that needs to be considered when creating laws. There needs to be a way of ruling out mental health and indoctrination before allowing someone to do a sex change.
- We are making laws based on how people feel instead of based on science. Determining gender is a combination of genitalia, chromosomes, and hormones. You can have female genitalia and mail chromosomes and/or hormones. This is why some people may “feel” or look like the opposite sex to their genitalia. There is a specific text that can be done that must be analyzed by a specific type of biologist that determines if a person is more female or male. Why aren’t we requiring them to have this test done before allowing them to have a sex change? If their genitalia is male and they have this test done that says they are male, then no you can’t have a sex change prior to the age of 25. This gives their frontal lobes time to connect allowing them to be able to make decisions based on how that decision will impact them later. I’m guessing, most will be ruled out by mental illness or indoctrination and 99% of those left will be ruled out because of these test results. This will allow those who actually “feel” like the opposite sex due to their hormones and chromosomes being the opposite sex are allows to do the sex change.
- The healthcare industry secures lifetime patients which lines their pockets with big money by promoting transgenderism.
- When it comes to under 18, this is none of the school’s business. Schools need to get back to the basics and focus on math, science, history, reading, writing, and english.
That’s my two cents.
Everyone needs to go through phases of weirdness, I agree! I just think we need to find a solution for ruling out mental illness and indoctrination and setting an age minimum to full out sex changes to allow for their frontal lobes to connect.
If you’re not transgender you have no business speaking on the issue. I as a seeing person wouldn’t make blind person reform I have no business in that field. Stop obsessing about other people’s sexual identity it’s creepy. Do something better with your time than trying to make someone’s difficult life more difficult. You think they want to be like that? They just want to feel normal, people need to let people live. I understand wanting children to wait till adulthood to change sexes but trying to say it’s a mental illness or disorder? That’s absurd.
I think that it needs more research. Specifically, into chimeras; I’ve personally seen many Intersex (IS) farm animals; usually goats & sheep - that have swapped genes in the womb; where one or more of the siblings have one or more sets of genitals, skin patches of different colors (calico cats are likely chimeras), different colored eyes, etc; that there is primarily 3 genders; female, male, & chimera: hermaphrodites & the large range of IS ~ however, that’s only the outwards, visibly different things (like eyes of differing colors) genetics things; regions where the cells of twins/triplets/… merged/entangled/? pre-birth; with a late merging resulting in conjoined twins. I’ve heard of at least one case of an adult female going into the doctor with symptoms of some genetic illness; but they couldn’t find anything wrong - until they did a brain biopsy on her (took a chunk of brain out) - and discovered that her brain’s dna differed from her body’s; that she was her brain, inside of her twin sister’s body (if someone has a source, please link it) → Most farm animal mammals have at least twins, if not triplets+ - having a single child is very weird for mammals – and, maybe also so for humans, too – multiple eggs merging, or maybe not making it, during pregnancy may be much more common than we currently know of. Though, is it possible for a female brain to control a male body, or a male brain to control a female body? - definitely needs more research.
At the very least, besides the surely!? obviousness’ness that children shouldn’t be allowed to transition; someone wanting to transition should be informed of the possibility of residing in their twin’s body; that they may have had a twin & merged with it (or more – triplet+) in the womb; that their twin’s cells could have formed the body, while their cells formed the brain & possibly other things like a single eye, patches of skin, organs?, second set of genitals - of possibly different gender (hermaphrodite if both are fully working & not all weirdly located & one set removed surgically after birth like many IS), etc; that they should be informed; that if they want to transition - they may be mutilating their twin’s body - the twin that never got to grow their own brain - do they really want to continue & live as themself, the male brain in female body (transitioning to a butchered female, faux-male body), or female brain in male body (transitioning into a butchered male, faux-female body); or, to live as their twin that never got to experience conscious life? With that framing/knowledge (if it turns out to be true – needs research!!), many may naturally decide to not mutilate their twin’s body, and possibly to live the life that their twin may have lived, had they been able to.
My hypothesis should be simple to test; have a bunch of trans people get brain biopsies to see whether their brain’s dna matches their body - there may be the possibility that their brain is also genetically patchy & may need multiple samples, but; if their brain is XY & their body is XX; then true-trans-men will be confirmed. If their brain is XX & their body is XY; then true-trans-women will be confirmed. Otherwise, mental illness-ish: the internet has changed things, dramatically - tomboys turning into ‘trans’ by confirmation bias & trans online bubbles, rather than the pre-internet getting-over-it norm, more guys with weird fetishes normalizing those fetishes by seeing others with the same, online, etc… Personally, guessing that there is true-trans; but, that most trans-identifying people are not really true-trans, but had something go wrong in their childhood with their ex-hippies parents generation, siblings, bullying, and/or internet social acceptance/confirmation into a trans-clique while their brains were developing & vulnerable.
Mental health services should have indefinite coverage, or until reform. Some insurance carriers limit therapy to 16 sessions.
Transition surgeries should be banned.
We could also reclassify your hate as a
mental disorder.
MY SUGGESTION FOR MENTAL HEALTH: President Ronald Reagan closed down Mental Hospitals, but today they are greatly needed. There is an Epidemic of Mental Illness in America that has been fed by the current and previous Democrat Administrations, Mainstream Media, and companies. MY SUGGESTION IS to open up Mental Asylums, and Make Mental Health Asylums Great Again!
Absolutely right, by definition it is abnormal for starters, and immoral as well. Perhaps more importantly than that, Transgenders commit suicide at an alarming rate. The fewer (youth especially) people that fall into the ideology and lifestyle the better.
It was considered a mental illness (gender dysphoria) before the covid fiasco began. Needs to be put back as that.
Well said! Body dysphoria is a mental illness. Why we would give someone suffering from this illness the ability to treat a nonexistent problem? Would we give an Anorexic 36-year-old woman, diet pills or Ozempic so she could lose weight because she thought she was fat? Of course not! So why are we giving harmful hormones and allowing people to mutate their bodies? Stop the insanity!! Start treating these people correctly and start holding doctors accountable for taking advantage and harming individuals that are mentally confused.
They’d be better off labing belief in religion or other imaginary beings as having a mental disorder
I see what you’re saying, and that makes it difficult. I’m hoping that all mental health issues being prescribed psychiatric drugs will be reevaluated. I am a mother of a child who has taken about 23 of them with no tests done to see what is physically wrong? She was institutionalized 3 times.
None of the drugs worked and most of them made her considerably worse. It is really more important that we look at this? Most people aren’t Christians and aware of this, but many people went to Jesus for healing and those with symptoms like today’s mental illness were called demon possessed?
Nor should any doctor be in anyway penalized for refusing to carry out any procedure/treatment that they do NOT agree with
Thank you for introducing this restoration of sanity back to the Diagnostic Criteria for mental health as it pertains to the delusional disorder called Transgenderism. I believe the change from “disorder” to “dysphoria” was what pushed this abominable ideology forward. Once this delusion was declassified as a mental disorder, it opened the door for broad nonscientific classifications. Once this serious mental disorder is correctly reclassified, it will be easier for counselors to begin helping more patients with de-transition and restoration to sanity. We will need special new trainings for mental health counselors and social workers to explain how this disorder was de-classified in the first place and obtain trainings for therapies designed to restore gender sanity. I would like to be part of this change and submit a classification for Trump Derangements Disorder as a true delusional disorder–and not a joke. Very important to change this at the university level, all professors of psychology and medicine will need trainings in correct diagnosis of mental disorders. Please notify me of any groups forming for these changes!!!
I’m a psychiatric RN on an inpatient unit. Activist scientists and doctors, through bully tactics and cancel culture, have done a huge disservice to mentally ill individuals struggling with gender identity. By removing it from the DSM they have caused countless individuals to slip through the cracks, to miss out on crucial mental health treatment and services and the ability to live a life free of their delusional, confused state. Instead of being forced to validate their delusions we should be providing comprehensive care so that they have a chance of living a more mentally/physically healthy life. It’s heartbreaking to see these young adults that have been indoctrinated into a lifestyle that will undoubtedly make them unable to realize their own potential and self worth in a world that will ostracize them.