Reclassify transgenderism as a mental disorder

Transgenderism is a destructive affliction, to the individuals, their families, their employers and place of business, and society at large. Though psychology has reclassified transgenderism and gender dysphoria (DSM-5, 2013) so that it is not seen as a mental illness, yet this affliction is clearly a struggle between the mind and the body of those afflicted. This is not simply a juvenile-related issue. Adults after the age of 18 have also destroyed their health and well-being, often to their great regret later. The dangerous experiment of altering bodies by dangerous puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and horrific surgeries has not led to better health. What it has done is that it has caused more long term serious health issues down the road.

Please help to reclassify transgenderism as a mental disorder. Please fund honest research into transgenderism, so the medical solutions offered do not approve of dangerous, health-destructive experiments. Please fund research that will help ways of healing the disconnect between mind and body of those afflicted with gender-dysphoria.


Thank you for opening this discussion. I have added an excerpt of your writing to my own “bill”, since I also feel we need to investigate the root cause for this growing trend, and do what we can to prevent non-adults from receiving surgical procedures removing their reproductive organs under the falsehood of “health care”.

This is not sane behavior.

Edit: It is time to Make America Sane Again. :us:


It seems like this is just a well informed opinion.

The problem is not that Transgenderism is not a mental disorder, its that somehow nobody who believes it is is in any position of power or leadership, whether it is the private sector or government.


Classifying it as a mental health disorder opens the door to giving it parity to physical medical health disorders, thus allowing funding for treatment and research, funding that could, then, be mandated for all insurance carriers to pay. This could result in quite the opposite of the original intent.


The issue right now is that these surgeries are already being offered in the name of “health care”.
The surgeries must be considered cosmetic. Then disorder must be considered an aberration and it’s origins must be examined and explained.

I don’t think anyone knows yet what the proper “detransitioning” therapy looks like. But if insurances are going to cover anything, it would need to support the reversal of this disorder, and perhaps additional medical procedures arising due to complications from original operations.


Yes, this is accurate. Because “transitioning” is considered a medical matter. I agree - these procedures should be fully patient funded as cosmetic and only available to competent adults.

However, cosmetic procedures for reconstruction after trauma or illness is covered. For example, breast reconstruction (post mastectomy or for congenital disorders). This is covered as a benefit to help the patient recover or regain some modicum of normalcy and comfort in their body and among society. Herein lies the challenge for policy with de-transitioning.

Personally, since it is 100% impossible to change one’s gender, I believe all of it to be cosmetic, including de-transitioning, and should be solely funded by the patient.


Agreed! In the '70s and '80s no doctor would perform transgender surgery until the patient completed total immersion gender conversion therapy, which includes Mental Health, and hormones and living 24/7 as your desired gender for not less than 1 year. And you paid for all expenses yourself because this was considered an elective surgery. This process eliminated regret/detransitioning, and prevented suicides which currently accounts for nearly 50% of the trans community.


Learned about this just today.


I’m not sure what you are meaning by “physical mental health disorders.”

Also, it seems like your opposition to this policy is economic, and not medical. Perhaps you could suggest a different policy to fix the issues you see with medical insurance and government funding.

Just as it is irresponsible to treat other mental health disorders as alternate life choices, so it is to treat transgenderism and gender dysphoria as if this is as well.


I disagree that “transitioning” as a medical matter should be “only available to competent adults.”

First, it is argued in the policy suggestion above that transgenderism is a mental disorder. We would not as a nation adopt policies allowing other people with mental disorders to act on those disorders. So adults who think they are children should be denied height-reduction surgeries that would make them shorter, so their bodies would be more in line with their mental illness. People who think they are animals should be refused surgeries that would implant fur, scales, or fins, even though their bodies would also line up with their mental illness. So allowing gender-confused people to surgically mutilate their bodies so that they are more in line with their mental illness, should be outlawed and not allowed for consenting adults.

Second, right now, every single 18 yr. old who goes to a Planned Parenthood place for hormones is judged as a “competent adult.” To leave this in the hands of consenting adults does not heal those with this disorder, nor does it give help and stability to shocked and grieving families whose family members announce they are going to take hormones and want to be treated as a member of the opposite sex. We would not give separate I.D.s to 18 year old schizophrenic patients, even if they were judged to be otherwise competent. Why enable this mental disorder then?


At least ban ANY transgender medical procedures for minors, excepting WELL-DEFINED life threatening situations.

This is a touchy area because it hedges on a human-rights issue: could body modifications, tattoos for instance, be made illegal?

There are issues such as “alien limb syndrome” where people would deeply desire body modification, which is not medically necessary, AND might be a mental health issue. Things like this must be considered.

There was an issue between the TEA Party and the Girl Scouts, where a transgender was allowed into the Girl Scouts. People were understandably concerned for THEIR children.

The GSA balked. Then the GSA then denied membership to a child whom had a gender-modification at birth, as a life-saving medical procedure.

Tge TEA Party balked because that’s not the policy they intended nor that they wanted to be blamed for.

The resolution seemed to be the GSA flooded the Internet with stories of little girls having make-believe tea parties with GSA cookies, and the subject was burried from sight.

Now, is exposing more ALLEGED misdeeds of the GSA while being vehemently opposed by rigorous GSA patents.

This gender modification thing is a bucket of worms.

Certainly, a child should not have to live the balance of their lives physically and mentally suffering from the de jour leanings of thier parents, nor of any government entity. Children should be mandatorily of age and allowed to make their own choices having requisitely achieved mental maturity.


It appears that it has become a social contagion due to children’s use of social media. It is so sad that children are being sterilized and mutilated for becoming a part of this social media culture.


It’s demonic period!
I have empathy for those who are truly suffering from the disorder.
I think there are many more who just get off on the idea.


It’s the definition of weaponized autism.

This is not a subject that should involve the government. Isn’t the goal to shrink the fed??


I absolutely agree with not only reclassifying it, but also funding honest research into transgenderism. For years honest research into transgenderism has effectively been silenced and considered taboo. We are only now hearing of any research- not that it appears to be much- and it is all coming from overseas. Moreover, all of it appears to be saying that what is currently being done worsens one’s mental state.

What I would add onto this is that I would encourage bringing back the previous roadblocks there used to be. People should not be able to easily get even HRT without having to see a therapist for months. Having even this requirement would likely cut down the amount of people getting HRT and help people who are likely dealing with a different problem and mistaking it as gender dysphoria.


Any American adult should be free to do as they please with their body. No American should be discriminated against nor should they be given special rights or privileges.


They need to figure out their bathroom situation, as a female I AM NOT okay with men coming into women’s restrooms at businesses and restaurants - there are little girls that go into restrooms unaccompanied sometimes. It is not okay. THEN to top it off they get so MAD or can become aggressive if they can tell you don’t want to be in the restroom or if you leave, etc. I FEEL they need to figure it out on their own, it’s not the world’s problem which restroom they use, but I feel because of that - it does seem to be more of a mental disorder. I mean we call people who think they are fat (but super skinny) a mental disorder, right?


It already is classified as such in the DSM-V (2013+) as gender identity disorder (GID) and gender dysphoria


Gender disphoria is a serious mental illness often resulting in violence. TGs hate themselves so they attack everyone and everything around them. They need in-resident mental health care to learn to love themselves.