Reclassify transgenderism as a mental disorder

Agree! It was in the DSM until lobbyist threatened Representatives and Congressman. I believe identifying the root cause is an issue. Look at who the shooters are at schools…


The thing is, studies HAVE found physical difference in the brains of transgender individuals. There is a section of the brain called the BSTc which is related to sexual function, and is sexually dimorphic (meaning it is different in males and females.) Specifically, it is larger in males, and has more neurons.

However, in both male-to-female and female-to-male transgender individuals, the size of this part of the brain was shown to align with their gender identity, rather than their biological sex. This could mean a lot of things, but they did rule out the influence of gender-aligning hormones later in adulthood, meaning that this most likely developed prior to any hormones being taken.

Now, limited study has been done on this, and there are other sexually dimorphic areas of the brain that don’t share this trait. It’s hard to jump to any conclusion. But this a pretty strong piece of evidence that supports that gender dysphoria is in fact a physical, biological issue.

I’m also a bit confused on your point about allowing funding for treatment and research. Why shouldn’t we do that? Currently, the best treatment in terms of long-term patient happiness is, by far, transitioning. We don’t really have anything else. If you want to find an alternative, that requires research.

And I’m not sure why we wouldn’t want to fund treatment. Gender dysphoria is a horrible thing to experience. A large amount of people who are afflicted end up committing suicide. For the vast majority of people who medically transition, it goes much deeper than just “ah yeah I kinda feel like a woman idk”. These are people who have been eaten alive by this feeling of dysphoria and wish for nothing more than to have been born into a different body.

I am of the belief that, given we are all afforded the same rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that we should be pursuing treatments and research just like we would with any other affliction. And currently, the best treatment we have is, simply put, transitioning. This is reflected both in self reported surveys and in suicide statistics.


I’ve known a variety of trans people throughout my life, and I’ve never seen violent tendencies from them. Even aside from my own personal experience, the data shows that people who have transitioned Male-to-Female are roughly as likely to commit a violent a crime as biological men are. I couldn’t find any statistics that showed that being transgender makes you any more likely to be a violent offender. However, transgender individuals are about 4 times as likely to be victims of violent crime. If anything, we should be protecting them from the world, not protecting the world from them.


It was 20 years ago.

Physical MEDICAL disorders. Thank you.


A thoughtful response.

I do not agree with utilizing resources for researching gender dysphoria. One cannot change one’s gender (or call it what you will).

There are numerous other challenges and causes toward which we can and should apply resources….in my humble opinion.

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I have a few perspectives that may be helpful. Our 14 yrs old has taken some of the treatments listed above, but for different reasons.

Her original height projection would have made her legally handicap. The treatment schedule is to help her pass that threshold and get a standard driver’s license for example.

Not many people have such a logical sensible reason for such a treatment so the objective of the pharmaceutical companies that lobby is to sell a whole lot more of this treatment. That’s just business and that’s what it’s about from their perspective. The more dysphoria the more money they make.

The overemphasis on transgender itself has confused kids across the board on an issue that puberty resolves. If anyone says that the thought of being the opposite sex didn’t cross their mind during development they are lying. Interfering with natural processes with physical treatment is very similar to surgical lobotomies for homosexuality once was. It’s becoming a barbaric mess and one insensitivized to occure.

This exercise or mass psychological experiment has nothing to do with dignity, love and respect which all people deserve. The real risk is conditioning a whole society to deny what they experience and observe with their own senses.

The implied dangers of training and mass conditioning a whole society in this way far out way the benefits of coordinating and navigating the training program.

What is happening has nothing to do with trans, rights or social interactions. It wasn’t an issue, but It’s become a tool. I do not come from an uptight perspective. I have had friends and family of all sexual preferences and our culture had already developed into broad acceptance of diversity

The goals and interests of those fanning and fueling this mass psychological training program care nothing about those with the phycological issue. The objective of a castrated complacent society is the utility of the subject in my opinion.

Every decent person deserves love, appreciation and dignity.

Of course it’s a mental condition, but how can people identify this obvious fact when they have already accepted denying the sensory inputs and experiences that form their perception of the physical world. If one has already been primed to deny the very means by which consensus of reality is achieved then they have already been prepped for any form of external programming.

There may be an occasional individual that has some unique combination of physical and mental that is an exception to my perspective, but applying that across the board and throughout education and training of society is dangerous

This is a wonderful new forum. Hopefully we can collectively learn and grow together✌️


Mental and confused, so sad. Transgenderism is sick


How about we get at the root of the problem: the feminization of our education system, the emasculation of men in Hollywood, and the lack of animal protein in our diet.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Why do you believe research hasn’t been or isn’t being done? It’s because you haven’t looked for any research.

Begin educating high school junior and seniors about Fertility Appreciation not not just sexual education. Teach them how they are uniquely created in their gender.


Yes and it’s an industry induced illness via chemical manipulation. History will show it is iatrogenic along with 90% of chronic disease? A Big pharma incentives smack down and remove immunity and it all stops quick.

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Perhaps it should be treated as a child abuse issue? Or a cognitive developmental issue similar to established drinking and smoking age laws. There are proven, legitimate reasons to delay such drastic, permanent decisions until the brain has had an opportunity to reach near maturity. If someone turns 18 and wants to pursue medical intervention then that’s their choice, however paying for it should be out of pocket or similar to cosmetic surgery insurance procedures like breast implants and penis enlargement. Thoughts?

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Think of ComiCon or Halloween. People dress up and pretend their someone else. I am sure some would love to be able to be that character, but all know it’s a fantasy for fun, not to go out and live that lifestyle as if they were that character.

That goes with the restroom debacle. Identifying as a female is not the same as being born a female. That’s where the disorder starts to root and decay the mind. When a male wants and pretends so insanely, that they became a real woman in their misguided mindsets.

The Woke bowel movement slithered a coddling of whatever anyone wants to do or be, but not in their own life, but in everyone’s life. This is what they call inclusion, but truly is intrusion.

Thankful for your roadways.


God Bless,

John German


PFAS or Phthalates, plastics in the brain’s pathways can effect gender identification!


We need REAL research into the root causes. Psychiatrists cannot continue to throw their hands in the air on this one. It’s been a long neglected PSYCHOLOGICAL pathology. These people need help! These KIDS need help! Anyone under 21 should be banned from any and all medical treatments (make this a state’s issue like abortion and see which states have better LONG TERM outcomes). Most states will vote that if you’re not old enough to drink or smoke, you’re not old enough. They do need alternative treatments. There needs to be federal funding for research into alternative therapies including nutrition, exercise, acupuncture, psilocybin, nature therapy, etc., there are many people who WANT to do the research and aren’t allowed or funded.
Support detransitioners and those with serious complications! So many have been ghosted by their doctors and suffer in silence. They can’t find anyone to treat them because all the medical associations have gone woke and doctors are firing and ghosting their patients for their political views or because their complications make the doctors look bad! We can’t find logical unbiased doctors because if those doctors advertise this about themselves they get black balled and/or their licenses taken away. THIS is a federal problem! Medical providers have the RIGHT to practice regardless of political persuasion. It’s already supposed to be covered in the 1st amendment so not sure how you rectify what’s happened with this, covid, vaccines, etc.,
All people have the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. If you wouldn’t cut the arm off of a schizophrenic patient who thought their arm was a tentacle trying to kill them, but you would disfigure a person (of any age!!) making sure they could never have children again, you need your license taken away. While this might not be a federal law to pass, exposing what these doctors have done and putting them on trial WILL. Think back to cigarette and opioid pushers and forward to what we will do to the food industry. CRIMINAL charges need to be brought to ensure this doesn’t happen again. We have it completely flipped around currently where the patients are the ones taking the blame and shame. WRONG!


“We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” - Preamble to the Constitution. (This lays out the goals of our government).

This definitely is a matter of promoting the general welfare (i.e., well-being) of the citizens of this country. To redefine something that is a mental illness as if it were a right destroys our well-being. Look at men in women’s bathrooms. Look at the proposal of funding gender-alteration surgeries in prisons or the military out of taxes. Even the matter of women’s sports is affected.

So yes, since this is affecting the well-being of the citizens of this country, classifying transgenderism as a mental disorder IS a subject that should involve the government.


I whole heartedly agree. I have said time and agin that transgenderism is a mental illness. It most often is an extension of CSA* or CEA( childhood sexual abuse/emotional abuse) I happen to know bc I was sa as a child and had thoughts inclind to trans, they didn’t stick but they happened. I feel for ppl with this issue and am angry at those pushing it onto children! Let kids be kids!


Sadly, gender dysphoria is not treated as a mental illness by psychological and psychiatric doctors. I know examples where the doctors literally said to people taking hormones, “There is nothing wrong with you.”


This forum is such a a wonderful opportunity for us to not only to collaborate in constructive ways, but also overcome the internal challenge of ego fluff and and identity through division.

I am rereading some of my own comment and can see the tweetiness to it, but want to change some of that so I can serve in a constructive new way.

On this subject how can we communicate in a way to collaborate in a constructive way?

Perhaps occasionally doing a check point to find the hub we all agree upon. On this subject many aspects can be argued, but what can we agree upon?

If this is a mental disorder as many here believe then it is not the individual that should be criticized any more that any other mental or emotional disorder.

We should however focus on those that are choosing to exploit this issue for personal and divisive issues such as government and corporations that benefit from this subject.

We have a wonderful opportunity to each participate here, but the challenge to do so will be internal growth through curiosity and shedding the straight jacket and madness of identity politics more so than external convictions if we are to succeed :v::pray: